Ch. 4: the cool down

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(Pictures not mine)

You've decided that your time would be better spent hanging with Barry. It would have sounded crazy to the past you but he was pretty cool... aside from the wierd smells and constant eating of japanese snacks... and him now barging into your room instead of knocking became a habit. Yeah, he was cool in your book.

His friends came over more and more since they realized you existed. Everytime they came into your presence they would drag you downstairs for the odd games and activities. Barry never minded the guys fascination of you and so you dropped trying to avoid it. You even got a cool character sheet from Mark! Sure you didn't exactly know what being a high elf ranger meant but the game seemed basic enough with him explaining it to you.

Still on the subject of Mark and David, they were also cool in your imaginary book. They were the only people who talked to you anyway and with school starting in about a week you really hoped they wouldn't leave you for dead. Barry and Mark was a year older than you so he was going to be a junior this year. David and you were becoming sophmores so you tried to spend enough time with him in hopes he understood that you guys were friends. He didn't act the type to go without friends seeing he was so confident in himself. He seemed to be talented in alot of odd end things as well. From juggling sticks to karate to tv commercial magic sets dating as early as the 1980's. He was an odd ball but you felt he was the  est oddball you could get.

Mark... was definitley something extrodinary. He seemed to be the ring leader of your rag tag group and on more then one occasion he's gotten you to do things you would have never bothered. You wpuld call it munipulation but he wasn't smart enough for that so instead you pegged it on charisma. Yeah. Mark was just a charming guy.

You could already feel your step-father's dissapointment crawling on your back because no matter what way you put it he simply couldn't stand the boy. Everytime something went wrong he would blame Mark and if it didn't directly point at him he would add Barry to the blaming cocktail. Mr. Handerson loved his son but no matter what he always had something to say about the stuff they got into. Like the dnd or video games or 'porcelain city'? You didn't even know what that was!

But recently On more than one occasion you could hear your mom scolding him for the way he acted towards Barry. And little by little you could see your step-dad really trying to be better for his son. It made you happy.

Mr. Henderson also tried connecting with you. He would watch these game shows and no matter how gard you tried for some reason it drew your attention. Both of you wpuld shout answers at the tv and get frustrated with the dumb people who couldn't get them right. It wasn't exactly conversational but you felt there was a connection there. Your mom was in the best mood she's been in years. She was more excited for things and now had a permanant shine to her eyes. Hanging pictures and decorating the home. You could not count how many times the guys have bumped into vases or plants that were not there before. Despite that everything seemed to cool down and you started feel more free. Like a puzzle finally put together.

Well, back to the present. Mom wasn't able to take you clothes shopping so instead Mr. Henderson brought you along with Barry to do just that. You did Barry first and to say that went by fast was an understatement. All they did was grab a stack of different t-shirts and a few pairs of different shorts that were his size and threw them in the buggy. The underwear and socks were a joint thing since they were on the same isle and it was the wierdest thing you could say. He practically shoved them under his shirt so you wouldn't see what choice boxers he wore and they both looked everywhere but you when you threw yours into the buggy.

Now you shopped for clothes a completley different way compared to what Barry did. You didn't want to just grab whatever was lying around in your size. You wanted to try different things on and see how they fit. You would come out. Show them. Then go back in. You all came to the store at 5 something and becouse of you, left at 8 something. You showed your mom all your outfits and she would approve of them and when it came to Barry she clicked her tounge.

"Don't you think you want something that represents you hun?" She sifted through the totes and looked through the shirts. All different shades of green. Barry shrugged.

"I just wear whatevers comfortable..." your mom looked at the size of his shirt and nodded to herself. She patted him and gave a reassured smile. "Next time i go shopping I'm gonna find some graphic t's for you! Ooh maybe even a button up!" She gushed over buying clothes for Barry. Who, in turn, gave you a look of absolute fear and pleading in his eyes.

Later that night ,after your bed routine, Barry barged into your room. You've decided that it would be best you started dressing in the bathroom.

"Hey, mom isn't going to go crazy with my wardrobe is she?" You motioned for him to sit in your desk chair. Doing your best to look dead serious you decided to fuck with him.

"By the start of school she'll have you wearing long pants and uniforms to school." It took all your effort not to smile.

"Oh my god... i'm gonna have to start homeschool..." he put his head in his hands.

"Dude, i'm just messing." Barry looked relieved but abit uneasy. You shook your head at him and smiled. But then you wondered... "why do you already call her mom?" You asked it so quitley you were almost certain he didn't hear you until he spoke.

"Well..." he looked mithed at the floor, "she's been a whole better mom then the one I had before. Don't see why I can't." You were both speaking reverently now.

"It's not that you can't man... I'm just glad you feel comfortable." He looked up at you, stunned almost, but then he smiled so softly you could feel your own growing. "Then i guess you wouldn't mind if i said you were my sister?"

You gave a scoff and rolled your eyes at him, "duh, of course you can dude." He nodded to himself and got up to head out.

Before he shut the door he turned to you. "Night sis." It didn't make you feel odd this time.

"Night bro."

A/n: this chaoter was probably super boring for you. I know mark was barely mentioned in here but i swear once school starts up i  this story its gonna be the main thing.

Anyway leave fun comments or suggestions!  I saw that ive gotten a vote from one of my friends and someone else even added me to thier reading list and i cannot tell you how hapoy i was!! Im so glad you guys are enjoying this story. I was so scared it wasn't good enough 

Bye lovelys😇 

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