Ch 13: Dinner party pt.2

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Your mom shot a look at you that had postivley meant trouble. When David plopped down beside you Mark's hand squeezed yours under the table. When you looked over there was immense joy in his eyes. A plan forming in his working brain.  He seemed to have caught on quick to your plan. He quicked a look to Barry who  coughed lightly and elbowed a napkin off the table.

"Woops... lemme get that." Barry bent under the table. Scuffling was heard and the table bumped up twice. Mr. Henderson sighed.

"Got it!" He jumped up, napkin in hand. When he made eye contact you cocked your head. He winked and looked to Mrs. Noel. Head in his hands he sweetly asked, " Mrs. Mark's mom, I heard you had a great college life! Why don't you tell me about it?" She perked up at the idea of telling yet another story, loving the attention.

"Well of course! There was this crazy christmas party where Jerry ficcoty flipped over hannah Bellamy's pool table!" Everyone zoned in on her ready to listen but Mark tugged your arm. You looked to him and he leaned in.

"Switch spots with me, need to talk to David." You smiled and willingy moved. He grabbed David's arm, who was so immersed in the story it took a minute for him to notice. David tipped his ear to Mark and a smile spread across his face. Mark must've come up with something. He looked back to you. It seemed all of tonight was going to be fixed with stares between you four.

"What's got that big brain of yours workin?" You aske, eager to know what mischief you'll be getting into. Mark got a serious look on his face.

"Can't tell you, don't wanna get you in trouble." Your face scrunched up at that and before you could say more he gave a peck to the corner of your lips to hush you. Your face red and mind confused, accepted that watching it unfold was best. Your attention was tooken though by David coughing to get the tables attention.

"As you may know, I brought my share of tonights meal! It is derived from my granma's filipino past and has been with us for many generations!" He reached over the table to uncap the tupperware and a heavenly arouma filled the room.

"I present chicken afritada!!" Everybody gasped at the smell and leaned over to look. It was a warm stew, steam coming from it. David really pulled through with this because your mother straightened in her chair.

"David this is amazing! I am so glad you felt to share with us, I'm positive it'll taste delicious." Mr. Henderson nodded beside her and Mark's parents were excited to try it. She flitted to the kitchen to grabbed serving bowls for everyone.

Before she could escape though David stuttered out, everybody once again looking to him.

"I have juggling sticks! Anyone wanna see?" Mr. Gabe clapped his hands and smiled.

"That would be wonderful David, I still remember your last performance." David smiled and ran to the living room grabbing his sticks. Your mother back with the bowls everyone seated and watched.

He started remarkabley well tossing two sticks, then three. Everyone applauded his efforts but when he had Barry throw him the forth stick they clacked together and one hit the light above the table shattering the bulb! It went dark and you heard shouts all across the table but you were tugged to the hallway by someone unbeknowest.

"It's just me y/n, calm down." Mark held your hand and quitley led you to the back door, silently going outside.

"What are we doing?" You walked closer to him and bumped his shoulder. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"I just wanted to be alone with you for a bit..." he looked like he was thinking really hard and kept opening his mouth and closing it. You pulled his head to look at you, concern written all over your face.

"I... i was just scared that tonight wouldn't go great. I mean! Obviously it did and even better when David showed up but i was worried... it's just this anxiety stuff is really gettin to me, more then it should." He sat on the old kid swing outside your house, hand still in yours, his pulse beating through his wrist.

"I just wanna be alone with you for a bit..." you smiled under the dark of tonight and sat next to him. You took your hand from his and wrapped it around him.

"We can do that."

Two dorks sitting in a tree! (Mark x reader)Where stories live. Discover now