Ch. 2: sweaty

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(Picture isnt mine)

The next morning was like any other from these past 3 something weeks. Breakfast, bathroom and then chill time thanks to summer. You've been thinking about what barry said last night, not just parts of it but everyhting that came from him to you. The invatation to the basement, which is another thing his dad dissaproved of, you meeting his friends seemed to be important to barry. Then there was that other thing... that 'night sis'. Did he already feel you were that close? Or was he just being polite due to circumstances? It uneased you but there was something else there too, it was complicated.

You sat in your room again, the blackout curtains pulled open to let the sunlight hit your skin. A book in your hand and soft music playing quitley so as not to irk your step-dad. The protagonist just crossed paths with a potential suitor, but before you could read thier thoughts on the suitor you heard loud footsteps downstairs and multiple voices echoing. You shut your book and stepped to the door pressing your ear against the wood. They weren't distinct but then you heard a grumbling that was obviously mr. Hendersons and the voices stopped. You assumed it must've been barry's friends and grabbed your book unaware about the steps coming to your room.

A soft knock was heard and you had to do everything in your power not to groan out loud for all the wprld to hear. "What?"

"It's Barry." "Come in..."

He repeated the same action from last night, halfway through the entrance and into the hallway, ready to shut the door when finished. "I just wanted to let you know that mark and David are downstairs if you wanted to go head down and say hey..." he seemed to catch himself, looking embaressed, "I-i mean, that's if you want to! You do what you want, wait till your comfortable." He fidgeted in his spot then nodded his head to himself, a manner of an anxious tick you supposed.

"I'll be down in a second, leave the door open." You rolled over on your bed and closed your book for good.

Barry's face lit up. "Oh! Okay, yeah awesome." He gave you a big smile and headed downstairs.

You sat up and stretched. Into the hallway the first thing you saw was your step-dad... or his chest seeing that he's taller than you. You looked up at him and he looked down at you, both unbeknowst, a serious connection was made in the eye-contact. A respect was formed. Mr. Henderson had a constant frown on his face and when he looked down at you there was no exception. Not that you were smiling at the moment.

"Like i said, i don't feel too good about you down there. It smells wierd and they use up the wifi. Point is, Mark is ruthless and tainting. He already took my son from me and i don't want the same thing to happen to you." He put a heavy, calloused hand on your shoulder and sniffed. "Just be careful dear girl, David's wierd."

The only thing you could do was nod your head at him and in the next instant you could see him disappear into the bathroom. Heading into the kitchen you grabbed a drink and opened the basement door. The steps were made of worn wood and the floor made of solid concrete. You could hear smack talk and game music. Lights flashed against the wall and wierd smells wafted towards you. For the first time in awhile you realized you were nervous. Dweebs in the basement were always harsh, you've seen movies.

'Oh god what if henderson was right? ' you sipped your drink and flexed your fist. Stepping down you finally saw what laid in the basement and dear fuck was he right. The last thing you expected was anime posters and figurines from games and mangas to be scattered around. Dice littered the floor and the trash pale was filled with processed food wrappers. Bookshelves that held all kinds of high fantasy techniuqe guides and pamphlets. Two pcs and one single laptop sat atop a big desk and in front of you had to be the most wierdest goddamn scene in your life. Barry and a boy with a maroon cape were both cheering and tearing down a guy with a viking helmet that was dancing for his life.

You never ever suspected Barry to be into all this sort of stuff. You thought from the beginning that he was some first person shooter gamer with a headset. Thinking that he maybe had a football poster or uncharted series. You never took your step-brother for an absolute weeb.

Speaking of barry, he must've heard you come down because he turned his head and smiled. He  beckoned you over with his hand and puased the game. The dancing boy and cape kid squaked in annoyance.

"Barry, what the hell!? David was about to beat the record!" Cape kid glared at barry and the viking gravely sighed and turned around only to see you. "Oh my god a girl!" Cape kid jumped and turned to look at you and then back to barry.

"Whose this?" Barry gave an aggrivated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Mark, are you serious? This is my new step-sister. I've talked about her at least three time!" Mark rolled his eyes. "It's awful funny you think i listen."

"My dad got married not even 3 weeks ago! I invited you to the wedding but your cousin had a barmitzvah so i let you go."

Viking helmet looked dissapointed. "You didn't invite me..."

"Sorry david, dad said if he's lucky enough that Mark wasn't going he wouldn't risk you saying yes." The now named David seemed to cheer up at this and forget about it. He looked at ypu with bright eyes.

"So tell us about yourself!"

I know its cliche to leave a cliff hanger but ive been working on this chapter for two days and am absolutley devistated with how it turned out. Ill try to update in another two days, so if you want put something about yourself in the commwnts and ill pick a few to give the reader!

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