Chapter Six

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Sorry if there are some things spelt incorrectly

John's Perspective:

I woke up in the morning very tired since I barley got any good sleep last night. I dragged myself out of bed and went to the dresser and got on a grey jumper and some trousers. I them went to the kitchen eat breakfast. I made myself some toast with jam, and a glass of milk. It is a very nice morning today or maybe I just never realized how the sky looks every morning. When I finish eating I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and see that I have huge bags from sleepiness under my eyes. "Jeez I look like garbage." I think to myself outloud.

"Yeah you do," Harry says from the other side of the door, "now hurry up mom says she needs to drop us off ealry today."

"Ok I'll be quick." I say. I hurry and brush my teeth before grabbing my book bag and going to the livingroom. Mom leads us out the door and we get in the car. Once we make it to school we get out. Harry tells me bye then goes off to Clara. I go to my locker and put my football stuff in my locker for after school. I signed up for it last week and I lucky made the team, today is my first day at practice. I hear something thump against the locker next to mine. I shut my locker and turn to see who it is, it's Sherlock.

"Hey John." He says.

"Hey, you know where my locker is now." I laughed.

"Yeah, I was just walking and I saw you, well I hoped it was you, if not it would have been awkward." Sherlock said halfway joking. I laughed. We walked around utill we had to go to class. Once we got in class we realized there was a substitute teacher.

"Maybe we don't have to do actually work today." I mumbled to Sherlock.

"Maybe." He said back, as we sat down at our seats.

"Hello class I am your substitute teacher, Ms. May. I will be hear today and tomorrow. Your teacher left a packet for you lot to do. I don't care who you sit by, or if you talk, just keep quiet and grab a computer if needed." Ms. May said. Sherlock quickly turned around to face me.

"You want to go back there?" He asked me.

"Sure." I replied.

"Ok, you go ahead I will grab a computer." He said getting up. I stood up and went to the back. Just a few seconds after I sat down Sherlock sat down next to me.

"Have you heard about the murders that happened last week?" Sherlock asked as he typed somthing into the computer.

"Umm, no why?" I asked very confused. I didn't get an answer back from Sherlock for a while. I could tell what ever he was doing he was focused.

"It was the murder of Alan and Jackson, two 18 year old males by a warehouse they had no reason of being there." Sherlock said showing me the computer. "I convinced Lestrade's dad to let me look at the crime scene. It was pretty easy to tell who they were. Alan had a job as a cashier at some shop, I could tell by his fingers. Jackson had to have been punching someone or something for an amount of time because his knuckles has scabbed over. Under Jackson's fingers was blood. They sent it for a test but it hasn't came back yet." Sherlock paused for a moment. "But the way they died was a bit more confusing. There were no security camera footage. All I know about the killer is they were tall based on the size of their feet and the length of their stride. The murder weapons wasn't a weapon you think of. Something got into there system a drink or something. Test were run and it was in their systems four hours before they died. Lestrade's dad questioned there friends. He told me that all three of them said the guys were with them, until around three o'clock about five hours before their death, he also told me they said that they both took a cab to head their flat."

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