Chapter Nine

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Sorry if there are some things spelt incorrectly.

John's Perspective

A week has past and it is the night of the 'before summer dance.' Summer break starts in a week and the summer camp starts in two week.

I am getting ready when Harry bangs on my bedroom door.

"Hurry up and get ready for your date." Harry laughed.

"It's not a date." I yell back.

"Sure seems like one." Harry mumbled.

"I heard that, and I'm not gay." I finished getting dressed. I put on a white button up shirt and black trousers. 'This is good enough right?' I ask myself. I went to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth before going to the car. Harry was already in the car, she was wearing a cute blue dress. Once mom got in the car she drove us to the school.

Sherlock's Perspective

I was getting ready for the dance when I heard a knock at my door then a voice, "Sherlock you ready for the dance?" Mycroft groaned.

"Almost, you go ahead and get in the car." I replied. I stood in the mirror and perfected my hair and outfit. I chose to wear a purple button up shirt, black trousers, and a dress coat. I unbutton the top button of my shirt and roll up my sleeves. 'Much better.' I think to myself. I head out to Mycroft's car and he drives me to school. When we get there, I walk to the front of the school and wait for John where I said I would wait. It isn't long before I see John walking towards me. His outfit looks amazing. He got closer and we said hi. His eyes were so amazing like always, I could see the lights from inside the school shining in his eyes; I could get lost in his eyes for hours. But I can't, we are just friends and friends don't do that. I lead him into the school and we fo to the gym where everyone is dancing.

"You want to dance?" I asked shouting over the music.

"Sure." John replied. We went into the dancing area and danced. We weren't really dancing together, but we were close and laughing together. After a while of regular dancing songs playing, a slow song came on. I awkwardly looked over at John. He laughed.

"Wanna dance together?" He asked. I was very surprised he asked that. I didn't answer him though. "Umm as a joke." John studdered. That brought me back into reality.

I looked at John "Sure, as a joke." We stood there awkwardly for a second then I put my hand near his waist, "If I am correct I put my hand here," I felt John jump as I placed my one hand on his waist, "and my other hand here." I grabbed John's hand with my other free hand. John then placed his hand on my shoulder, and we danced. I look down at John and he was looking up at me. Eyes locked, we kept dancing. Some bumped into John and that made him move closer to me, I didn't bother stepping backwards, neither did John. We were barley inches apart, and I was getting lost in John's eyes.

When the slow song stopped John laughed and placed his head on my shoulder. Why couldn't the song last longer. Everyone in the dance area started yelling and the music got louder. I grabbed John's hand and pulled him over into the hallway with tables.

"It was getting to loud in there." I said as we leaned against a wall. I looked at our hands and realized John hadn't let go of my hand yet, so I didn't let go either. After a awkward silence between us John let go of my hand. I wanted to grab his hand back into my hand, I liked the feeling of his hand in my hand. Why did I, I never felt this way before, I wasn't supposed to feel this way. We stayed out in the hall way for a while, we could hear the music in the background so we still danced. I saw Harry come up behind John. I pointed behind him so he would see her. He turned around.

Harry sighed, "Sherlock, I was going to scare him."


"Thanks Sherlock, I didn't want to be scared." John laughed. Harry took John around the corner so I couldn't hear their conversation. All I heard was John saying "I'm not gay" louder than he thought I guess. Well there goes any chance of him returning the feelings I felt for him. When he got back I had to pretend I didn't hear anything, although I was slightly sad he won't ever return feelings for me. We continued dancing.

There was only about ten minutes before the dance ended when we heard someone announce, "We will be doing another slow dance, last one for tonight." I looked over at John who was still dancing. He looked so adorable.

"John," I paused, "do you want to go dance with me again?" John looked up at me and laughed slightly. He nodded his head and we went to the dance area. We started slow dancing again when I saw Harry. She nodded her head, like a nod of approval. I gave her a confused look. She just laughed and mouthed something, I could tell what she said so I was still confused.

"Sherlock, you good?" John asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, smiling and looking down at John. I could have sworn I saw John blush right before he turned his face away. When the slow song ended me and John walked to the front of the school. Harry also met with us at the front. I was looking down and my feet when all of a sudden John fell right infront of me. I quikly grabbed him before he hit the ground.

"Woah John, you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, just fell." John said standing up.

"I could see that." I said sarcastically. John laughed, I stared to laugh, and we couldn'tstop. Half of the time when John laughed it was contagious and I would start laughing. When Mycroft drove up we were still laughing. I tried to control myself but I just couldn't stop. I finally contained my laughter and got in the car after saying bye to Harry and John.

"What were you laughing about?" Mycroft asked.

"I don't know." I said, almost laughing again.

Mycroft sighed, "How was your date?"

I slapped his arm. "It wasn't a date Mycroft, but it was fun anyways." He quickly drove home. I went straight to my room to change into my sleep clothes. I got in my bed and tried to sleep but the thought of John and I slow dancing together kept coming to my mind. I decided I just won't sleep tonight instead I'll just explore more of my mind palace.

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