Love you as a friend

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-- Tyler’s POV --

        Yessss. I was totally winning. This kid had nothing on me. I looked up from my large pile of cards and smiled.

    “You might as well just give up now. I’m winning.” I laughed.

“Oh shut up; I had crappy cards anyway. If we had a re-match I would definitely win.”

    “We could put these cards back and I could take you up on that offer. You wanna bet?”

“Hm… how much?”

    I took a sip of beer. “Uh.. let’s go with fifteen dollars; that I’ll win.”

“Hahaha. Okay so if I win you have to pay me fifteen, if you win I’ll have to pay you.”

    “Yup. You wanna go?”

“Fuck yeah.” He put back all the cards, and we got out a new pile of black cards, and this time I let him give us each fifteen white cards. We were playing with more white cards because there was only the two of us.


    Halfway through the game I was actually beginning to believe I would be owing him fifteen dollars. Damn, why did I bet on this?

    “Hey… do you wanna just… call off the bet? It’s not like this game is important or anything.” I smiled nervously.

    “Oh okay I see how it is. You see me winning and you don’t want to have to pay me. Is that how you think it works? Because you’re the one who started the bet.”

    “C’mon! I was full of myself. Cut me some slack.”

“Noooope. You’re paying, if I win. Your fault!”

    “Fine.” I huffed.

“You wanna watch some TV or something while we finish this up?”

    “How about we listen to some music?”

“Okay. Can we listen to Lights?”

    “Which song?”

“Literally all of Siberia Acoustic.”

    “Good thing I bought that album.”

I got up and plugged my ipod into speakers.

    “Now get your butt back over here and let’s finish this game.”

I turned around and stuck my ass out while flipping him off.

    “When, where, what time?”

I rolled my eyes and turned around. “Fuck you.”

    “I will, but I need the details.”

“Are you twelve?”

    “... Yes. Yes, I am.” He shook his head.

“You know I’m gonna win again.” I sat down on the bed across from him.

    “No you aren’t. Check your amount of black cards… and don’t be so cocky.”

“I will be cocky if I please!” I remarked.


    Crap. I was right, halfway through the game. I had lost.

“Okay, okay. Here’s the deal: You can either pay me fifteen dollars, or get us some stronger alcohol.”

    “Woah woah woah. I know what you’re trying to pull.” This kid wanted to pull a ‘oops, I was drunk’ on me!

    “I’m not trying to pull anything! I just think this is a little boring. We should get a little tipsy and play like; scrabble or something. Like old people. Because we are.”

    “Sure, young’n. Keep telling yourself that.”

“Whatever, Tilly. We should totally get drunk and make dirty words on the scrabble board. Tell me that doesn’t sound like a fun time.”

    “What you just said to me was: Let’s get drunk, start playing scrabble, and then abandon scrabble and do dirty things with each other.” I wasn’t getting fooled. I didn’t have much of an interest in Troye, either!

    “If that’s what you’re thinking, then sure.” He smirked at me.  

“That’s the opposite of what I’m thinking!” His smirk turned into a frown. Like; a legit one.

    “Ouch. Okay, man. It’s fine. I mean, I was joking, but that kind of hurt, ha..ha..” He looked down at his lap.

    “I mean, It’s just that I don’t really see--”

“Yeah! I get it. You don’t have to make it clear, trust me. I already know you don’t. No one ever does.”

    “Do you like me or something?”

“No. It’s just that I’ve been really lonely for a long time and when someone denies even a joke about having sex or doing anything with me, I feel even more like shit. I just realize over again why nobody likes me. I’m repulsive, honestly. I get it. I don’t even know why you talk to me. Someone as attractive as you, and I mean that in the most platonic way possible, shouldn’t even have to speak to someone that looks like me.”

    I was trying to comprehend everything he was saying. He was unattractive or disgusting at all. He was a great person, and he doesn’t deserve to feel like that.

    “Okay first of all, you are not repulsive whatsoever. I would kill to be as beautiful as you. And I mean that, as well, in the most platonic way possible. But Troye; I don’t understand why you think of yourself like that. You’re a wonderful person and just because you haven’t had sex yet, or dated for a long time, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve those things. And sex shouldn’t be something you plan, or a goal you have. It should just happen. It’s not a rush. And I lost my virginity when I was sixteen, like I said before. But so what? I don’t even think that was the right time for me. It could’ve been with someone better. Comparing yourself to me, or anyone is stupid. Compare yourself to you. You will be a 10/10 at being your amazing self. And maybe you won’t have sex until you’re twenty. Should that matter? Hell no! It would’ve just been the time it happened. And when I say that, don’t take it as an insult. It was just an example. And giving your everything to a certain person doesn’t make you somehow more special; especially with the more people you do it with or when you do it. Lose it when you lose it and just know yourself that that is when it happened. Sex is a very special thing, and I’d hate for you to regret your first time like I do mine. You are too much of a sweetheart to go through those crappy emotions.” I hope I said all of that right. I looked at him, and I think I said it right. He had tears running down his face.

    “T-thank you, T-Tyler. I love you as a friend.” He almost leaped forward, messing up the piles of Cards, and wrapped his arms around my neck, falling on top of me. We made eye contact and I wiped a tear from his cheek with my thumb. “I love you as a friend too, Troye.” I smiled.


WHAT?! OLI IS ACTUALLY UPDATING?! Yes. Yes I am. I will be updating either 'By Your Side' or 'Guilty Love' tomorrow. I'm so sorry. I feel horrible. But I am back! Finally, I know. Please. Please. PLEASE. Can we get to 30 likes and 10 comments? I think we can. I really do.
I look forward to chatting with you all again! Please comment below <3


~ Oli <333




Old Friends, Young lovers. -- Troyler AU / INCOMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now