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—Tyler's POV—

This. Was. A. Stupid. Idea.

Oh Tyler! Just take the shortcut through the creepy-as-fuck part of the neighborhood! Good idea. Real smart plan.

    I could've drove. I coulda drove. But nope. Course not.

I walked through the gloomy, dark, alleyway with my phone as a flashlight. I'll be honest, I was scared. I didn't want to be alone walking through this place.

    Then I saw a shadow. They were smoking. Ohhhh god. No. No. NO. I had to keep my head down, I had to walk at a brisk pace. Keep walking, keep walking.. I glanced at him. Why did I glance at him? I don't know, the figure just looked kinda familiar.

    Maybe it was someone I knew? It couldn't be.



"Tyler? It's me, Troye."

    Oh. That's how.

I lifted my head up as he walked out of the shadows and into my phone's light. "Ohhh.. H-hey, buddy! What's up? I'm not scared at a—"

    "Dude, you're obviously scared." He chuckled.

"Shut up. Anyway... what are you even doing out here?" He started walking beside me and I heard him sniffle. "And were you crying? And I didn't know you smoked."

    "Yes, I smoke. And I wasn't doing anything. And yes, I was.... crying." He stuffed his pack of cigarettes into his jacket pocket.

    "Why were you crying?"

There was a long pause.

    "Just... personal issues. It doesn't really matter. But why are you out here?"

"Well this, my friend, is a little short-cut to the nearest supermarket from my house. It's a shitty shortcut. But it works.... Are you gonna just keep walking with me, or...?"

    "Oh, y-yeah. I have nothing better to do, as you can see." he wiped his eyes and sniffled again.

    "Yeah... Imma buy you some tissues when we get there."

"You don't have to." he sniffled again.

    "Naw, I do. You could get a headache or something."

"Tyler, you aren't even a super close friend of mine. Why do you care if I get a headache?"

    "Because I don't care how close a friend is, if they need help I'll help them. It's not that big of a deal anyway, I might as well."

    "Oh. Thanks, Tyler."


    —Troye's POV—

I had to beat around the bush for everything he was asking me. Tyler was the last person I thought I would see here. He was also the last person I wanted to see here if anyone. Thoughts about him was what I was trying to constantly avoid, and now here he was. The actual person I was trying to avoid.

    At least I got to take a stroll with him and he was my friend. He was also gonna buy me tissues. It just seemed a little inconveniently late to be walking through dark alleyways as a shortcut to get to a store.

    Aghhhh. Why did I have to love him? We weren't even that close of friends. It was like I had loved my acquaintance for the past almost four years. Every summer I never saw him, the feelings still remained.

    "So... the party this weekend."

My eyes lit up. "Are you going?"

    "Yeah. You?"

"Yeah, I'll be there."

    "Maybe I'll finally get laid for the first time in two years."

My eyes widened as I tried to play it cool and laugh it off. "Haha, yeah. Don't we all want to have a little fun?"

    "Yeahhhh right. You're totally a virgin."

I waved my hands up. "Ohhh! You got me."

    He did his cackle I could hear from across the lunch table during school. "Ha! I was right." He stopped in front of me and pinched one of my cheeks. "I mean, how could someone so cute and innocent have had sex?"

    "Shut the fuck up." I was blushing and trying to hide my face.

"Fuck? The one thing you haven't done?" My face heated up more and I shoved him lightly.

    "Asshole." I mumbled. I swear to god if he makes another joke...

"Oh, c'mon. I was just playing." He looked up as we kept walking. "Hey. There's the store. We can finally get you cleaned up." he patted the side of my face.

    "Mhm..." I awkwardly replied.

We walked the rest of the way and stepped into the store. We both blinked multiple times as our eyes adjusted to the light inside the store.

    "Oh. Can you buy me a pack? I'll pay you back later for the tissues and the cigarettes."

    "Gurrrl. I ain't eighteen yet."

"This guy doesn't even care as long as you look eighteen. He's like 23 or something. He doesn't give a fuck."

    "Ugh. Fine, I'll buy you your lung and throat cancer creators."

I was pissed off that he just called them that. "... Thanks."

    "Let's go and get the tissues and other crap first though. My mom wanted me to get a bunch of shit on this list she wrote like two days ago. I need to go and collect whatever I can remember."


I followed him around the store and he picked up everything I assumed his mom wanted him to get. Then, after everything else, he picked up a box of tissues. We went to the counter and he asked for a pack of the cigarettes I told him to get. After he checked out he turned to me and whispered as he handed me the pack of cigarettes.

    "I felt disgusting just asking for them."

"Shut up." I whispered back.

    "Wait..." he said as we were walking out the door, "do you think that guy cares if you're 21 to buy alcohol?"

    "Oh-OH! I see how it is! So you wanna shame me for smoking, when you drink?! Not fair, Tyler."

    "I drink occasionally."

"Yeah? Well it's not like I'm a chain smoker!"

    "Well drinking isn't as bad for you."

"Technically not, but you can die from alcohol poisoning and shit like that."

    "You're fucking with me, right?"

"I'm just saying you shouldn't be judging me for smoking when you do something illegal and bad for you too."

    "I wasn't judging you. I even bought you cigarettes... which I assume you'll be giving me the money for at the party?"

    "Yeah, whatever."


:D I'm in love with how many people have already read the prologue! Thank you for all the comments and likes!! :3

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— Oli <333

Old Friends, Young lovers. -- Troyler AU / INCOMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now