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He came booming through the doors with a hearty laugh, he was undeniably someone we least expect to find on a morning like this. When the rain begins to trickle the concrete streets and dancing trees, as the stacks of paper fall to the floor his voice loud enough to echo through Finn’s office.

“I haven’t seen you in days my boy!” wrapping an arm around Finn’s shoulder as the plop down the couch making it look small.

“Mr. Grimes please don’t ruin the couch.” setting down a cup of coffee as his smile immediately turned to a pout.

“Lilian!” he said with a hurt expression. “I would never do such a thing!” the fruit doesn’t seem to fall from the tree in their case.

“Dad, it’s business hours next time please call in for an appointment or something.” Finn said running a hand through his hair, as I take a seat on the chair in front of the two.

“Lilian, I see you’re still the same as ever.”

“Don’t ignore me Dad!” sighing at the two of them as a knock came to the door, new sets of graphics for the cover of the book.

“Are you two dating?” Finn choking on his glass of water as I take the prints away to his desk, the two of them argued until one of them gave up.

“Finn, meeting with the departments today.” flipping through the pages of the new book as the thought of his gray orbs made me push it away, Mr. Grimes left for the meeting as Finn got cooped up in the meeting as usual. The office seemed to be awfully quiet, the silence more comforting as it is. The pressure and coldness the air brings becoming distant and unknown, as comforting as it may be as gentle as it would befall it seemed all too distant without you.

“And here I thought we wouldn’t meet again.” the same drawling voice creeping to my ears, Ezra stood leaning by the door frame.

“Ezra, why are you here?”

“Well, the meeting was a bit too caught up and Grimes just had to talk back about the copies.” he said walking inside briefly eyeing the designs on the table, eyes wandering around the office as they land back to me. His gray orbs that swallowed the fear from my throat to the skim of his finger around my wrist, the brown locks that rested on his head fanning out and swaying along with the dry air in the office.

“Where have you been all my life?” breath hitching as his own felt hot against my skin, shoving him away and heading for the door.

“Hiding from you definitely.” he stifled a low chuckle leaning against the door frame.

“Guess you’re not very good at it then love.”

The clicking sounds of the keyboards, the sound of faxes being delivered and sent. The faint smell of chalk, acrylic, and ink overwhelming my senses. Heads turning around as I softly creep through their busy field, slowly making my way out of the labyrinth of tables and papers. His office the first door to the right turn, tugging at the coat over my shoulders bracing myself when I opened the door. He wasn’t there. He was nowhere, but still somehow near. Looking around his disheveled office, the stacks of papers on his desk, the rolls of posters resting at the corner, his board freshly erased. Flyers resting on top of the cabinet some drawers opened, a necktie on the floor and a mug of unfinished coffee behind a tower of books. Folding the coat resting it on a chair making my way to his table, the desk felt smooth to the touch as I slump on the chair. Small splotches of acrylic and ink at the edge of the chalkboard, the reminiscent strong cologne lingering in the air. The soft thud of the door shutting making me spin the chair, staring into his green eyes as his lips curved into a smile.

“Enjoying yourself?” he asked putting away his designs and papers on the cabinet, as I stand there waiting for him, waiting to be indulged in his warmth.

“It’s a bit messy here Eli.” he scoffed taking slow steps closer as his hands find my waist, resting his forehead on mine as I close my eyes welcoming his actions.

“Messy is an understatement Lilian,” he sighed placing a kiss on my forehead auburn lock tickling my jaw as I thread my fingers through them, he started to trail small pecks from my shoulder to my neck.

“Eli, we’re in public knock it off.” tugging a bit on his hair letting the strand loose from my grasp as I wrap my arms on his shoulders, pulling away from him a bit as he pouted.

“Your hands stay here please, Lilian.” he said as Eli placed them back on his hair a small giggle left my lips as I run my fingers through his hair yet again.

“Don’t you have work Eli?” he shook his head nuzzling against the crook of my neck.

“Work can wait,” he sighed. “I’ve missed you.”

“Eli,” he looked into my eyes pressing a kiss on top of my nose.

“Stay for tonight please.” all it took was his calloused hands against soft skin, the cold night air and dim lights. Velvet lips on warm skin and a few sweet nothings. Just him.

In Medias Res (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now