Chapter 13

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Heaven Marie Lewis
Los Angeles California
11:23 AM
Imani 💕
would like to FaceTime...

"Yes sister?"


"When you comin back home?"

"I'm already back, I got home last night."

"And you didn't call me last night because?"

"Because I have a lot on my mind sister."

"What's on your mind?"

"I'll tell you if you come over later."


"Tell mom, dad, Jordan, and Jaylin to come too."


I started calling my momma and she answered on the third ring.

"Yes Heaven."

"Imani wants you and dad to come over to her place later."

"Ok tell her we'll be there."

"Ok bye momma."

"Bye Heaven."


Jordan, Imani wants you to come over to her place later.

Ok I'll be over there later.


Imani wants you to come to her place later
Read 11:29

Bet 👍🏾

After that I went and threw on a basic outfit to go to Imani's house.

After that I went and threw on a basic outfit to go to Imani's house

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I grabbed my keys and drove to Imani's new house.

When I made it there I saw everybody was already here.

I knocked on the door, "hey sister." I hugged her

"Hey Heaven."

Imani Monaé Lewis
Los Angeles California
12:12 PM

"Hey family, I got something to tell y'all."

"What you got to tell us?" They said

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