Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 40

564 15 0

Jaylin Starr Hudson
Cabo San Lucas
8:34 AM

"Brie what the hell do you want?" I yawned.

"First of all I didn't say anything to you. Secondly, we meeting for breakfast at 10:00."

"It's only 8:30."

"You know you take a good hour and a half to get ready."

"You're right." I sat up checking my phone.

"And, your momma called you."

"Did you answer?"


I called my mom and she didn't answer. I called her her again and she answered on the last ring. "Yes Jaylin?"

"You called earlier, do you need something?"

"Your sister wanted to talk to you."

"Put her on the phone."

"So you left me here and went on a trip? The disrespect."

"You can't do what us grown people are doing."

"And what are y'all doing?"

"First, we drink. Second, we be doing things that you to young to do and you can't get your own room. And lastly, no one about to be worried about your ADHD and you running off to God knows where."

"Well I guess that makes sense."

"But I promise when I get back, we can go anywhere you wanna go."



"I want to go to Hawaii."

"I can make that happen."

"Bet, here's ma."

"What that girl bothering you about?"

"Saying she was upset that I didn't bring her with me, but I told her we can go somewhere when I get back."

"This child suspended she not going no damn where."

"What she get suspended for?"

"Fighting, the first time they didn't do anything just told her to not do it again. She went back the second day and fought this girl she said she was 'talking out her neck' I don't know what that means."

"She was talking about her."

"So Layla you not grounded no more."

"You weren't like this with me."

"Because your ass was always in some shit, this her first time getting in trouble."

"You right."

"I know I'm right, well I'm going to let you go."

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