Chapter 11

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We spent weekends and nights kissing and cuddling. Our lovemaking was gentle and fierce. We still played too, but it was more intimate now. We couldn't seem to get enough of each other. I felt bolts of electricity through my body when Salil touched me and a constant ache between my legs from our frequent lovemaking. Yet, he hadn't told me that I wasn't his slave, and I was not one to let it go.

Our week in Florida brought us even closer. We drank and partied all week on the beaches of Florida. I even convinced Salil to go to Universal with me. He took his revenge by making me ride scary rides. I took my revenge back by splashing him with water.

We were friends now. We told each other our thoughts and feelings. I told him I wanted to go back to work, and he offered me a job in one of his companies. We were making progress, and I was happy.

On the flight back, he asked me if I would consider moving to his room. He was holding my hand gently in his. I looked at him and smiled. I knew this was the moment to discuss what had been bothering me for the past month. I didn't want to ruin the happy place we were in, but I had to know if he was willing to see me as his wife or not. His asking instead of demanding was a significant step forward, but I needed to hear him say it. I took a deep breath in to calm myself and said, "I want to, Salil. I really do, but our last conversation and your reaction are still fresh in my mind. You told me I am your slave." I looked away from him.

"What do you want to be then?" he asked. I turned to face him, and I couldn't really read his expression.

"Your wife," I said a little too loudly. I was aghast at his question.

He pursed his lips and then said, "we are already married."

"And you think it's okay to use sex to punish your wife?" I asked acidly.

"So, you are saying that women or even men don't withhold sex to get their way?" he asked, looking very amused.

"That is different," I said haughtily.

He laughed. "If by different, you mean worse, then sure. At least I make you cum" he said with a massive grin on his face.

I was getting annoyed. "Can't we just. I don't know! Can't we just agree to not use sex as a weapon?" I asked, trying really hard to make him see my point.

"Sure! We can certainly do that," he said. I smiled at him, but then he continued speaking, "as long as you never withhold sex after a fight."

I scowled at him, "so, you want me to have sex with you after a fight just to prove I am not withholding sex? That is absurd".

He was chuckling, and I shot him a glare, "we both have our own ways of dealing with fights."

"How about we use words instead of sex in a fight?" I asked him sweetly. I was hoping my smile would melt him.

"Oh, I can use words for sure," he said, and I felt like I won. Then he leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, "slut, whore, mine, my property, cum for me." His sexy voice sent shivers through my body.

"That is not what I meant," I said, breathing heavily and looking away from him. He was turning the conversation around. He was using his sexual powers over me, but I had to hold my ground.

He turned my face towards him, "then tell me, what do you mean?"

"I mean that I want this to be a real relationship," I said with a deep breath.

His expression was soft, and I think a little hurt, "we have a real relationship."

I winced at his words, "I am sorry, Salil; I know we have made real progress. I just! I don't know how to even explain it. I can't be a slave." I really hoped he would understand.

"You don't like to play?" he asked. I could hear the turmoil in his mind. I reached out to comfort him and caressed his cheek. "I love to play with you. I love to submit to you, but I want you to remember that I am your wife. Even when I submit to you, I am your equal."

He took my hand in his and moved it to his mouth and kissed it. "I know that. I always know that. That's how submission works, love. I can't be your master if you don't let me be." I smiled at him; he was handing me control of this relationship.

"You are my master in bed, but when we are not in bed, and I do something you don't like, you can't" I took in a deep breath; these were the wrong words I felt. I tried again, "when I do something you don't like, you have to talk to me with your words. Not your hands, not your body, and certainly not your dick". I said in a firm voice.

Even though his grin was crocked, his eyes were soft, and I was finally sure I had convinced him to deal with fights my way. "Your wish is my command, slave," he whispered in my ear. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I had a feeling that I was finally going to join the mile high club, and oh boy, I did.

Love, par sex ke baad (Love, but after sex)Where stories live. Discover now