Chapter 20

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I jumped in the shower, and thankfully he didn't follow me. My body was still alive from his assault. I wondered if kink clubs let wives who went crazy at their husband's touch even enter. I very much doubted it.

Even though I did not understand Salil and Arti's relationship, I respected their loyalty and friendship to each other. My mind was definitely at ease, and I was no longer worried about Arti. I hadn't realized, but their possible relationship was weighing me down. This freedom from the thought gave me new-found clarity.

I was so worried about being perfect for Salil's family that I had stopped being myself. I was so worried about making things right with his mother that I had inventively let her come between us. Whatever our relationship was, however, good, bad, fucked up it was, it was ours, and we will deal with it the way we want to. I decided to abandon the pretense and just behave the way I would if my parents were visiting.

I got dressed in booty shorts and a high neck crop top. I entered the room, and Salil started talking without looking at me. "Arti said breakfast is ready. I'll join you all in five minutes after I take a" he stopped mid-sentence. He was staring at my back as I combed my hair. "What the fuck?" he asked.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Babe, what are you wearing?" he asked, gulping.

"You have seen this outfit a million times," I said with steel in my voice. I knew it wasn't an outfit his parents would appreciate, but it was what I felt comfortable in. My parents didn't care what I wore, and this was my home, after all.

He gulped again. I could tell he didn't want another fight and was searching for the right words. "Yes, I have, but I thought you wore it," he said tentatively. His brow was crinkled because he knew this was an old outfit that I had been wearing since I was a teenager. He just didn't want to tell not to wear it in front of his conservative parents.

"It's not lingerie. Why would I wear it for you? Besides, I have had it for years now," I asked innocently. He gulped again. He tried the truth "my mother." I cut off his sentence before he could complete it, "are you telling me that I have to dress up according to your mother in my house?" I asked. He smiled at that, and it was a big beautiful smile. It was a smile that showed that he was delighted. He shook his head and went for a shower.

I looked at my "bold" outfit. I would not have considered it bold on a regular day, but I wore it mostly to show Niana whose territory this was. She had walked into my house and wreaked havoc here. She hated my husband, terrorized my maid, and treated me like a war victim. Enough was enough. This was my house, and I needed to command my respect here. She would hate my guts for wearing something that just covered the basics. On top of it, I looked hot in this outfit. I always had body image issues, but as I looked in the mirror, I knew that even I would fuck me. I smirked at myself and walked out of the room.

Dad's eyes widened, and he quickly looked away from me as I greeted him good morning. "Sexy outfit Bhabhi," Aaliya peeked. I smiled broadly at her. Arti had stilled serving food as well. Her eyes held so many questions, but I just smiled at her too and sat down at the table. Sahil's gaze was also lowered as he murmured his good morning to me. I was waiting for my opponent's reaction, but her lips were pursed, and her eyes were blazing with anger.

Salil joined us for breakfast and dropped a quick kiss on my cheek before sitting down. The brothers started making plans to play basketball after breakfast. "I want to play too," I piped up.

"No," Salil said.

I glared at him. "YES, I do."

"When was the last time you played?" he asked seriously. I continued to stare back at him. "We can play teams," I said.

"Teams? Fine, Aaliya is in my team then," he said, grinning at his brother.

"What the fuck? NO! She is your wife; why do I have to take her in my team" he said indignantly.

"Hey! I am sitting right here," I said, annoyed at Sahil.

"Sorry, Bhabhi, but I want to win."

"Oh, don't you worry, darling, I play to win" I smirked in Salil's direction. I was going to play so dirty he is going to be crawling on his hands and knees. He seemed to get my intention because he tried to change the teams. "Okay, Sahil, I'll take her in my team."

"Oh no, too late, teams are already made," I said, grinning boldly. I jumped up and walked towards the door to the backyard. Arti was visibly surprised by the change in my behavior in less than 24 hours and stared at Salil for answers. He shrugged in response. I could see he was enjoying the challenge I was throwing his mother. I wasn't sure what that challenge exactly was yet, but it was a step in the right direction.

The game started off well. Salil and Sahil were equally matched, but Aaliya was no less. Even though I hated to admit it, I was horrible. After Salil's team got a lead by a couple of goals, I started to use the dirty tricks. Just as Salil was running towards the basket, I stretched, exposing a little bit of my underboob. Sahil managed to duck the ball from under his hands and scored a goal before Salil and Aaliya realized what was happening. Aaliya screamed at her brother, and he looked at me darkly. Sahil and I exchanged a high five. Dad was very uncomfortable with this, so he left quietly. Mom was still glaring angrily.

Aaliya walked up to me. "Bhabhi, mom, doesn't approve of clothes like this," she mumbled. I raised my eyebrows at her, grinned, and went back to play. She was afraid her mother might snap. I wanted her mother to know that I wasn't an innocent angel and her son wasn't a monster. Even if he was a monster, he was mine, and she needed to stop taking jabs at him.I continued my tactics. Sahil and I developed a signal to distract Salil. I bent, stretched, smiled, and fluttered my lashes, everything to get his attention. By the end, Salil was sweating more than all of us combined. He was also very annoyed with the display I had put and wanted to throw me over his shoulder to show me who the boss was because it was currently me. I smirked at him and scored the last goal by jumping up and putting the ball in the basket. Sahil lifted me up and spun me in circles. "BHABHI, YOU ARE AMAZING."

"Only because she plays super dirty," Aaliya spat. "You are a sour loser Aaliya," I laughed. "I think I need another shower," I said and walked back to the house.

Naina was quick to follow me. "What are you trying to prove?" she asked me in a low voice. I spun around to face her and smiled warmly "nothing at all. I am in my house, and I am happy and comfortable. I don't need to prove anything to anyone". With that, I left. I think my message to her was loud and clear – she needed to stop messing with my husband at my house.

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