Chapter 16

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I woke up early the next morning and walked to the kitchen for some coffee. Arti was already there making breakfast. I smiled at her, she smiled back. I slowly sipped my coffee and thought to ask her what she thought of Salil's parents. Arti had worked for Salil for over five years; they must have visited him a few times in that duration. "Salil's parents are coming for a week," I said. She stilled and then turned to me with a fake smile "that's great! He must be excited to see his sister."

I was shocked to hear how well she knew him. He had said the same thing to me. I calmed myself and smiled at her; I did not want to jump to any conclusions, "yes, I suppose he is. I am assuming you have met them before." Her eyes darkened, and she nodded curtly. I could tell she wasn't a fan of his family. Currently, I wasn't a fan of hers. I had always liked her loyalty to him, and her work was impeccable. I continued, "then I suppose you know what to cook for them?"

"Sir usually tells me what to make," she replied curtly. I suddenly wondered if they had ever been more than an employee and employer. She was a beautiful woman. Salil walked into the kitchen and made a b-line for me instead of the coffee pot. I smiled at him before he took the coffee cup from my hand and kissed me. It was a slow, soft kiss that he deepened as I moaned slightly. He pulled me to him, and I felt his hardness against my stomach, sending a jolt of electricity across my body. It brought me back to my senses. We were still in the kitchen, and this was morning, not last night. I gently pushed him away from me, and he dropped a few soft kisses on my lips before stealing my coffee and going back to get ready.

"Sorry about that," I mumbled as I poured myself another cup. Arti chuckled. I looked up at the sound and saw genuine happiness for us in her eyes; there was no jealousy in her eyes. She walked up to me and took my hands in hers, and said, "show the witch this." I looked at her in surprise. I wondered how Arti knew his mother was a witch. Had she warned Salil against hiring a female employee too?

I walked back to my room and saw Salil all ready for work. "I was wondering what we should cook tonight. Arti said, you decide the menu for when..." I trailed away. He stopped tying his shoelaces and walked up to me. He circled my waist and held me against him. "Cook Indian food. Anything will do," he said. I looked at him, surprised. I had thought he would want Arti to cook, but it was clear that he wanted me to cook for his family. I nodded, and he nodded with me, touching his forehead to mine. I reached up to touch his face, but he held my hand in mid-air. "Don't. I have to go to work." I let it drop and turned away from him, disappointed.

He cursed and pulled me against him. I wasn't expecting it, and I stumbled back on his hard chest. He pressed my ass against him, and I felt him harden. I grasped, and my breath quickened. "" I rambled, unable to form a coherent sentence due to the sudden heat all over my body. "Shhh," he breathed in my ear, "breath slowly." I tried, but his hands were moving between my legs, and I couldn't think. I felt faint with desire. Images from last night came to my head, and I whimpered loudly. His hands roamed around my body, and I realized he was trying to calm me down instead of arousing me. His kisses were soft and chaste against my cheek and ear. I turned around and kissed his lips. He kissed me back like I was made of china. He pulled back only when he was sure I was calm. He placed another kiss on my forehead before leaving for work.

I knew I would have to behave in front of his family. His mother already disapproved of his sexual endeavors, and she would hate to see me participate enthusiastically. Although I hoped she would be happy that her son had found his match, I couldn't bank on it.

I told Arti to do the necessary prep work so that I could come home from work and cook. I sighed at the thought of his family; his mother had been perfectly civil with all of us. There was no semblance of witchiness in her manner. I wondered if she was just old school and did not want to accept that her son was just a tad more adventurous than her. Maybe I could change her perspective. I love Salil, and if I showed her I accepted him as he was, perhaps she would calm down a little? She had loved him once after all. However, I was a stranger to her. What if she started considering me a monster too? The thought made me smile - And the two monsters live happily ever after.

I could barely concentrate on the mountain of work I had to get through. I decided to leave work early even though I knew it wasn't the best decision. I tried to convince myself that I would make up for the work tomorrow as it was Saturday.

I entered the kitchen as soon as I got home to check the status of the work. Arti's prep work was impeccable as always. I took a quick shower and got busy cooking. I got dressed in salvar kameez as the food was cooking. I wanted his family to see me as a good Indian wife for some reason, maybe because I hoped to repair Salil's relationship with his mother. However, this good Indian wife was currently much tensed because her husband hadn't arrived home. His parents were going to come at any minute.

Sharp at 7 pm, the bell rang. I ran to open the door, hoping to see Salil but came face to face with his mother.

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