Chapter 26

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I jumped in my room stealthily. I had my mom's diary where many details of Hamla and his previous plans were there. I knew he wouldn't be this dumb but I wanted it just so that we know what we're up against.

I quietly opened the second drawer of my nightstand but found it empty. What? No way. I kept that diary in this drawer. I felt a presence behind me. It was dad. I pretended to search my drawer. He reached out his hand to touch my shoulder and I spun out of the way to face him.

"I knew it was you. I think you're looking for this." He said smiling and handed me mom's diary. I took it, speechless.

"So..." I said my voice trailing not really knowing what to say.

He chuckled. "I know. I'm not mad at you. Because you know why. You are just like your mom." He took a step forward. "Honey I'm proud of you. You are fighting for what you believe in."

"But Sid...?

"Doesn't matter what anyone thinks. You also have help don't you? You have Ash and me by your side. Sid was trying to protect you as all brothers do but I want you to fight your battles which you are doing right now in fact."

He walked towards me and embraced me. I hugged him back. I didn't know what to say. My throat had closed up.

I pulled my head back to look at him. "How are you doing dad? I mean your health."

"Oh I'm fine. I'm back as the director now so you can take your own time because I know no matter what the time limit you will do your best."

"So you're not going to give a big lecture about how dangerous this while mission is and how I could get hurt? Oh and also nothing about dating tips?"

He chuckled. "No. Ever since you started dating Ash I have been thinking that if you can handle all those bad guys, then you can handle one good guy."

"This took you a hundred years to realise?"

"Well can you blame me for being a good father?" I laughed and shook my head.

There was silence. He must have understood what I was thinking because he said, "Don't worry about Sid. He's not mad anymore. He kinda regrets what he said before so don't be mad at him."

"I'm not mad at him. I get it why he said that. It's okay."

He nodded and let go of. He kissed my forehead. "Now go and kick Hamla's ass."

"Dad," I said, trying to imitate him, "no swearing."

He chuckled but suddenly turned serious. "Don't get yourself killed. I have to admit I am scared-there I said it. If I could I want to tie you up and not let go but I know I can't. I know you're scared too but I want you to know that it's going to be okay. Now go." He said hugging me once again.

"Bye daddy." I said and jumped out of the bedroom. Ash scowled as soon as I landed next to him.

"What took you so long?"

"Oh my dad and I were having a little chat. It's not a big deal. He was supportive." I said waving my hands in front of me and threw the diary at him. He caught it easily.

"So he's not mad at you?"

"No he's quiet happy that I'm fighting for what I believe in and he finally realised that I was a grown-up which took him a hundred years to find out."

He smiled and gave me a quick kiss. "Let's get going." He said and started forward but I stopped him.

"It's better if we stay here. I mean not in my house but you know in Delhi because he is very close. I mean his location."

"Ok. So where do we stay?" He asked rubbing his hands together and liked at me.

"Well..., umm..." I stuttered finding the right words to say.

"Well how about your house? Since your dad is on your side." As soon the words left his lips, the front door opened. Dad stood there, slightly leaning on the door.

"Well come on in kids. A little warning. No kissing or making love here." I laughed and shook my head.

"Your house. Your rules dad." I said chuckling and  went inside with Ash on my heels. He stepped aside for us to enter and closed the door.

"You both are sleeping in different rooms and tomorrow we will make a plan. Together."

Hey guys. Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment. Also don't forget to share. Until next time. Toodles.

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