I. City of Starlight

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Nyx was starring at the stars. Dreaming.

Under him was beautiful, shining city. His city whith his people.

He looked at Velaris and back at stars, quickly pushing away thoughts of what will happen when he inheirt his father's status. They're not for this time.

Everyone from his family was summoned to the house by the river, place of his whole, very well remembered childhood, because of emergency. Third emergrecy of this month. 

Two days ago all of Nyx's cousins and his sister moved to Illyrian Mountains, as every first month of summer. They were training and... doing stupid and irresponsible things. This time they haven't even warmed up before they were brought back there at 2 am. 

Though Nyx didn't see sense of going to the mountains, which he openly had expressed and argued with his father.

Unlike during childhood, The Prince didn't have a great relationship with The High Lord. They kept arguing since almost ten years and nobody could make them find a compromise. Objects of their quarrels weren't something Nyx wanted to think about either. So he pushed away those thoughts too.

Then he felt a presence behind.

"Are you going to say something or you just want to observe your beloved brother in his deep worries?" He asked and turned from balustrade he leaned on.

"I'm waiting till you notice my existation" a half smile rolled on Asra's face. She left darker space next to the doors. "Besides you're a champion in avoiding your worries, so I don't thing you are meditating on them that much." Girl came over and standed next to Nyx.

"I'd like one day of not reminding me my defects, please?" High Lord's Heir asked with bit of humour in voice, shifting his gaze back at stars. If he was able to listen to anyone complaining about him it would be his sister and sometimes Zaire. But only sometimes. They were the only persons he ussually weren't pissed of by so easily.

Asra also looked at the stars. She smiled again. The smile didn't reach her eyes at all and quickly fainted.

And there they were. Two prabably the most powerful beings in this world. What about others? Is there someone as strong as they? Or stronger? Conserding what Amren once was the answer seemed obvious.

Nyx was glaring at stars like he could break through the barier of their world and see those persons or creatures. From the moment he heard about Amren he always wanted to meet semeone like this. Someone like him and his sister.

If it was posibble...

He again pushed away those thoughts. "Another time." he thought. To their place came back worry abut reason of Nyx and Asra being in house by the rivrer at that moment. 

"What are you thinking about?" Asra asked, probably reading from his face.

He resisted answering for a few seconds. Nyx wasn't able to count how many times following words were theme of his and his father's argues. "You see... keeping the city hidded doesn't work anymore." They faced each other now. His sister's eyes were unredable. He continued, knowing that Asra was the one person to understand his point of view a little bit more than the rest. "But before you think I'm just insulting our father for his decisions, as I usually am, this time I am thinking about how to protect this city when it's finally open."

Asra's face become puzzled after those words. "You seem to take it for granted..." She turned her head away from him. Some distance appeared on her face. "To take for granted that our city will be no more hidden."

Nyx shruged. "If not today's enemy then tomorow's, Asra. It would be better for our court to do this by ourselves."

"It's not the time to think about controlled opening." Asra still looked at Velaris. "It's time to protect it."

"That's why I'm thinking about how to protect it after the barrier it break."

"Do you have anything specific on your mind?"  Asra's eyes squinted.

"Unfortunately not, but im open to suggestions, sis" He grinned at her.

She rolled eyes at the name that he was calling her. Nyx was often a mean to a lot of people, sometimes including his sister. At this point he was wondering if his kindness to her didn't sound even fake, though it wasn't.

Something flashed is his sister's eyes. She finally turned his head to him. "What if we-" Her speech was interputted by feeling of familiar shadows.

"Come, everyone gathered" Azriel's voice spoke in their minds.

So they winnowed, leaving the view of the City of Starlight by itself.

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