V. Sisters

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"I would run away to get a lonely space, but I smell chocolate." Snazan said humorously, still facing the night sky.

"I was always thinking that I'm the introverted one." Saz laughted at Eves words. She turned from stars to her sister.

Princess walked to edge of roof where her fifteen year old sister sat. Between Reverie and her twin Alastair and Snazan was ten years of gap. Little Saz really annoyed Eve but everything changed five years ago. After the war. Probably Eve couldn't stand the thing that she almost could have never been friends with her sister.

Since that time they spent quite a lot of time together. Trio (she hoped that in few years it will be quartet) had their favourite cafe and bakery where they "haunted" at least twice a week.

Eve unfolded box with chocolate-hazelnut cake. Why would they use cutlery if they had hands? She brought just napkins so they could clean themselves after eating.

Truly royal manners

When sisters were at three-fourth of not-so-small cake, Snazan for all the time staying in unnatural to her silence, Reverie finally spoke.

"You're not going to just tell me"

Snazan freezed. She put down piece that she was eating and turned stare to sky. Her silver hair gleamed from starlight.

Saz sighed. "It's stupid... so frickin' stupid" She closed eyes and shook her head. "I shouldn't even make a scene like this-"

Eve cut her off "First of, you're not making a scene" Saz opened her mouth, but closed them as Eve continoued "if you were, you would be on the party, croaking in not-nice-ways your aura to others and second if you have any problem, you can tell us. Me, Ast, our parents or Lou or whoever."

Snazan and Louella were best friends from begining. They were this type of friends, which you don't know whether to be afraid and show it or be afraid and don't show it.

"We're all your family, sister."

"I know, sister, but... I just think it's something I need to face alone."

"You're facing everything alone."

Saz chuckled. "And you don't?" She finally turned her face to Eve. Her eyes expressed one: hypocrite. Partly she was right, and put Eve out. "You have migraine right now and you're trying to push out, what slipped into your mind, but you're never going to let someone help you." Worlds hit Eve more that she would expect. Eve felt as realization and madness swept through her.

Saz saw it. She stopped, but she could expand her words more. And Eve knew that.

The emotions she felt crushed her. Untill this moment she always had a hope she is able to help her little sister. Before the war, after the war or anytime. Now she just realized she can't. She can't because she needs help herself.

She hated feeling of needing help. Of admiting herself to it even more.

Eve hated it so much that she didn't really know what she was doing, when she standed up attacked Saz. Not with fists. She attacked her mind. Eve wanted to take with force why Saz was upset. Even if practically she knew that.

Reverie broke through shields of Snazan's mind and then she felt..

This was a pure storm. A hurricane.

Snazan's thoughts rushed impossibly fast. Eve never saw anything like this. Never heard and felt anything like this. She had entered some minds, sometimes accidentaly, but this...

Beetwen quick, countless thoughts she heard the ones that screamed the most:

"I can't even shift, I have no magic" " Damned this mess in my head" "It"s good I'm going to Silent Assasins, I need to find myself away from all of this." "WHY THE FUCK MY HEAD CAN'T FUCKING REST FOR ONE SECOND."

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