IV. Inner Circle

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"There's one place left to destroy the whole spell." Cold, maybe the coldest voice that Asra heard from Amren.

One. Only one from three is left.

"Something or someone has to attack somewhere around this place-" Feyre pointed on the most north-west spot of Velaris on the big map on the big table between all of them. "- to achieve a perfect square."

All the seats in the meetig room of House by the river were taken. Black-silver, high, marble walls, came to celling painted in dark night sky. The height of the room caused a slight echo. Round table, that had engraved Velaris' map, was circled with chairs.

Every way of searching they were trying to take had dead end. Because preparators of "the border shit", as Asra named it, were only marionettes in someone else's hands. There was no way to interrogate, any of the three of them.  Their bodies crumbled into dust right after the shake. 

The most alarming thing were their not-hight ammounts of power, as they learned from their famillies. The last one, from an hour ago had literally nothing. No idea where and they could possess amount of power to do this.

Asra was sick of words "our guess" or "we think". Last days those were the only statements A Court of Dreams used. They were guided by nothing centrain.

"It's closed alredy. Guards are taking positions. No one will get near there." Cass spoke so everyone can hear, yet his world were directed mostly to Rhys and Feyre. 

They noded and turned to Az. 

"Their families and friends don't know anything. No leads in memories." Az crossed his arms. "Everything seems to be fine even right before The Shook"

"And witnesses?" Zaire almost cut in, with impatence. Sitting few seats from asra she saw his leg twiching. 

Mor only glared at it and he stopped. She was trying to unlearn him from this habit. 

Zaire looked at Mor with big, deep blue, non-pulpilary eyes. Yea they were peculiar. Like his whole outlook. Though Asra was used to it. 

Zai was an hybrid of few of lesser fae. They don't know exacly what kinds, only suspecded an air nimf, becouse of his white hair, blue right at the head skin. Also his whole body was in light blue color, exept for fluffy end of his tail, which was white like his hair.

"It was night, none was on the roads. Everyone was asleep." Az answered and continued whith growing powerlessness in the voice. "Our shadows didn't even sense a person." 

Like in answer his shadows darkned around him, also seemed to mix with Delaney's even more. It happened always, more or less, when they were close. Asra didn't know why it happens. She was curious, but it somehow felt bit dumb to ask. 

"Is there actually any spell that is so undetectable?" Magari asked with frown. Her grey eyes seemed so cold, she now resembled Nesta uniquely more than Cassian.

Summer Court's accent resumed then " Typical magic, which we know well, can't do anything like that." Kyrell studied magic because of passion, not like rest of them- because responsibility of being part of the court. Knowing amountof time he was spending at the libary and his curiosity, Asra assumed that soon his erudition will be bigger than Amren's. "But there are cauldron magic, other worlds, idan , wyrdmarks." 

That was the longest utterance Asra heard from Kyrell since around a month.

"Idan is just a theory." Del said. 

Kyrell became visibly irritated. " It's not theory, idan is real. The using and format are theories."

Dalaney opened mouth to continue the argument, but closed it when Rhys cut in. "This is not the topic."

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