Chapter 3: Martyn why is the moon round?

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"Fuck me!" He shrieked spinning into the corner of the room and facing his attacker. "No thank you" Bea's face came grinning back, her brown eyes sparkling with the glee of spooking him. It was on their second meeting of the morning that dan actually looked the woman up and down. She was clad in smart trousers and a fitted blouse, blue and white stripe with tiny king fishers on. Her body was mostly enveloped in a lab coat covered in suspicious stains that seemed to translate to her heeled boots. Even with them on however she seemed to barely reach his shoulder. "Lab coat I thought you taught physics?" He frowned attempting to conclude the source of the stains on her pristine white attire. "Well I share the department with my colleague, he covers chemistry and biology but I'm not convinced he can actually carry out a practical without breaking something. I honestly fear for Norman's life let alone Norris and Flame Susan" she shook her head, still laughing and babbling on with names dan had never heard before. "Sorry so many questions" he stated, throwing up his hands to gesture for her to not say anything more until he'd finished.

"Number one, there are only two science teachers? What's up with this school!" He exclaimed. "You're telling me...we've both got doctorates as well. I can't say anything for me but he certainly deserves a pay raise, the kids love him. I get some extra money in from running the well-being stuff around here. Thank god i took it over, I feel so awful for these poor kids" she sighed, glancing to the empty class room as if children were sat in the seats.

"Second: Norman" Dan rattled off. "The science department fish, he's a blue beta. Adorable little thing, right little personality Phil reckons. I don't know I think he's just lonely" she shrugged. "Lastly Flame Susan and what was it? Norris?" Dan exclaimed, fearing what the poor creatures in receipt of those names were. "Yes our hamsters. Lovely little creatures. So fat though. The year sevens just keep feeding them. I got to name Norris and stupidly let Phil choose the other name and thus Flame Susan became the department mascot" she rolled her eyes although fondness was evident on her face, this Phil guy and her were clearly close. "We have little shrimps too but I forget their names. The kids change them all the time or at least I think they do. Phil night just do it himself and never change the label on the tank. Those animals are his place of pride, that and the quote wall started by our form" she grinned. "Still haven't met my form...I hope they don't hate me already" Dan let out a low laugh, no doubt parents evening would be unique when it came around. He could just hear it now "so you're the teacher who doesn't turn up". "I doubt it, they seem about as scared and flustered as you did this morning. Nice bunch I think but you've been handed the short straw getting year nines. Nightmare year regardless. So much drama" she rolled her eyes before clasping her hands together.

"Anyway what I'm actually here for is to give you this" she smiled producing a small succulent in a beautifully ornate pot. "Did you just have this lying around?" Dan laughed, graciously accepting the tiny plant with open arms. "No not exactly, but Phil refused to bin the plants from the cloning practical he did with the year 11s if they actually succeeded so I figured I could donate one too you. That man can't take on anymore it's starting to look like a plant morgue in that room. For a man with a degree in biological sciences he is a terrible gardener" she rambled on as dan stroked the delicate leaves of the plant, gently placing it on his desk half listening to the girl and half promising to defend the plant with his life. "Just consider it a welcome gift from the science department, as well a non-negotiable invitation to break time. You look like you haven't eaten anything in about a week" she joked, tapping his slim arm. "Oh I don't know I'm useless at socialising" he dismissed, half turning back to the computer. "Perfect you'll fit right in!" She started, only to be met with an arched eyebrow in return, "listen Dan we hang out in the break room in the science department and wildlife spot whilst listening to music. We do it every day. We've been doing it every day since I joined the school, just come and have some food with us alright" she half pleaded now tugging his shirt. "Plus Phil will love that shirt so I've got to show it off. Come on dan come join the losers club it's just sad that it's the two of us. You'd be doing us a solid honestly" she whined as if they'd been friends for years and this was a common argument. After pinching the bridge of his nose and considering his options for a moment dan gave in, bidding his tiny succulent fair well and following the triumphant Bea swiftly out of M11 and into the corridors.

Much to Dan's surprise the science corridors were teeming with students, much more than the English block at least. "Mr Lesters' so cool did you see how far that flame went it was like a gun or something but with fire!" A tiny child squeaked to his friends as they ran past Dan and Bea. "That's Dr Lester to you!" the woman called loudly, too late for the kids to hear, but the sentiment was there. They passed a few more huddles of kids gossiping over the latest teacher romance or form fall out that Beatrice quickly dismissed, receiving many "Sorry Miss Ulansky's" and hung heads.

"Shouldn't you correct them?" Dan asked as she walked just ahead of him up a rounded staircase. "Oh I don't mind all that much they're children aren't they. Plus my subjects are the most hated ones. There's worse things they could call me than Miss instead of Dr. I know what my degree is worth" she shrugged off, Dan opened his mouth to respond to her but decided not to, but he just might to the next student that called her Miss. As they reached the top of the stairs Bea took a quick turn round a corner and down a corridor until they were left with the option of left or right. On the right was a classroom door covered in stickers and animal facts printed off on paper and cut out poorly, a clearly hand made sign read "Mr Lester's Classroom, make sure to bee on your best behaviour" accompanied by a childish illustration of a bumble bee. When Dan read the sign over again he noticed there were actually two lines through the sloppy handwriting that read "Mr" and instead in large neat handwriting read "Dr" above it, indicated with a nice arrow.

To the left was an identical door, only this time it had smaller neatly posted mathematical brain teasers and a cat illustration as well as sign up sheets for a club dan couldn't quite make out. There was a printed piece of paper reading Miss Ulanksy, italic and all but again the Miss was crossed out and replaced with the scrawling of the word "Dr". Clearly an ongoing battle between the two members of the department to just be proud of their achievements. "Just gimme a sec" Bea said over her shoulder, walking straight ahead to a plain grey door that read "S6" on the wall beside it, pushing a key into the lock. Dan stood patiently, fiddling with the hem on his shirt until the opening of a door brought him back to the real world.

"Martynnn why is the moon round?" A childish whine sounded from the left of him. "Michael what have I told you about just turning up here, I've got to study you know" an initially irritated tone descended into a soft one as a boy dressed in suit walked into the corridor accompanied by a much smaller boy with bright ginger hair. "But why is it round?" The kid enquires again, having to crane his neck up to the taller boy who seemed to be a six former. "I'll explain later when I get home ok" Martyn smiles softly, but stress was clearly tugging on his patience. "Will you really?" Michael asked swinging on his presumed brothers arm. "Yes I will now go on go find Louise and James" Martyn gestured into the corridor, releasing his little brother back into the world of school. As he turned away he huffed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Hey Dr Ulanksy" he smiled giving her a wave. "Hey Martyn. Good luck tonight yeah, give Cornelia my best" she replied, clearly talking about an event of some sort. "Yeah will do thanks, see you tomorrow for Maths Olympiad" he grinned before sauntering back into the chattering room behind a closed door.

"That's Martyn he's in mine and Phil's form. Bright kid, keeps up. Quite the charmer when he wants to be. Keeps him out of trouble too well, got a good future on him" She laughs with a genuine smile on her face. Dan nods politely in response, still waiting for the key to turn in the door but Bea is quite hopelessly just jamming it in. After a few moments they hear a grunt from the other side of the door and the crashing of what sounds like cutlery. "Oh shine a light" Dan barely hears someone say before the voice speaks again, "it's open Bea" this time much louder. With a deep sigh Bea yanks down on the handle, pushing the grey door open and gesturing dan inside. "For fucks sake Phil" she rolls her eyes to the back of a mans head. "Look I don't think this one is on me" he shrugs still not turning around. "Philip it's rude not to greet a guest" Bea scoffs still to the back of the guys head as she grabs a mug and flicks on the kettle as if this were their home and it was a well oiled routine. "You what?" phil asked, gently touching a wilting plant. "Oh Just turn around would you I've brought a friend" Bea rolled her eyes, mouthing apologies to Dan who found himself rooted on the spot.

And then that's when he turned round, bright blue eyes sparkling, "Hiya! I'm phil".

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