Chapter 6: Don't make it a thing

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Phil lifted himself off the desk with a thud, his body clearly not ready to move again as he tripped forward almost colliding with dan. "Oi watch it" dan huffed, grabbing his thin arm as he fell face first. "Watch yourself" Phil smiled, putting his hand round Dan's forearm and steadying himself. Heat began to rise up Dan's neck, much to his distaste, "wow really a single touch is going to get you like this? It's been too long dan way to long" he commented in his head. Willingly he forced the blush away and hastily dropped Phil's arm, turning to the door and scooping his bag off the table. He practically dashed into the corridor away from the other man who followed his suit soon after. "Woah slow down you didn't lock up" he felt a hand clap his shoulder, despite being half way out the building by now. "Does it matter?" Dan huffed, "the only piece of value in there is that little plant you gifted me. I don't think I even have the keys" he muttered. "I appreciate the sentiment but I don't think the school would be all too thrilled if the computers got stolen" Phil rolled his eyes tugging on Dan's rolled up shirt sleeve. "You shouldn't really do that you know it's breaking the uniform code" he commented, now practically dragging dan back up the stairs and along the darkened corridor.

"They could just smash the glass" he said after a while of watching Phil rifle through the desk draws. "You what?" He laughed, pausing his wrist deep dive under some rubber bands. "The robbers. The hypothetical ones. They could just smash the glass and steal the computers" Dan shrugged. "That's what you're thinking about? Catch by the way" Phil giggles, tossing a pair of keys in Dan's direction which he fumbled to catch before they hit the floor. "Nice one all star" He quipped, slamming the draw shut and swiping up Dan's tie that sat over the back of the chair. Focusing on the keys Dan bent down to scoop them up only to be met with a collision on the side of his head. "Fuck" he yelled pulling back from the thing he'd collided with. "Not Right now, not quite appropriate" Phil said so plainly as he pressed the keys into Dan's palm. For the second time he could feel his face burning at the flirty nature of this man, who knew a biology teacher could be such a charmer. "You'll be needing this too. Save you from breaking the rules like a bad boy" He muttered, swiping the tie over Dan's head, tugging on both ends and drawing him closer. "Shit fuck shit fuck what the fuck why" Dan screamed in his head, his whole body frozen as he stood a breath away from Phil. His blue eyes were trained on the tie as he fastened a knot before meeting Dan's gaze innocently as if he wasn't aware of what he was doing to the younger teacher. "You are such a little shit" Dan thought to himself, stepping away from the shining dr and rubbing his neck in attempt to cover the heat creeping up it. "Shall we get going then?" Phil questioned with a cock of his head and a sweet innocent smile. "You are such a shitting flirt, how the hell am I going to survive this school" Dan wanted to scream but simply nodded instead, traipsing after the happy stride of the biologist.

"Do you ever wear a belt?" Phil asked, holding the door open for dan. "No why?" He questioned, ducking below the mans arm as he walked through. "You really should those trousers don't fit well" Phil tutted tapping Dan's waistband lightly. "Have you been staring at my arse Lester?" Dan questioned, purposefully with his back to him. "No I- Uh- Just don't want you to get hauled in for indecency! And breaking the uniform code!" Phil stumbled to say, bringing a satisfied smirk to Dan's lips as he watch the man squirm and turn a light shade of pink out his peripheral vision. "You deserve that" he thought, reaching the bottom of the stairs. "Please don't go on about the clothes you sound like my mother" he pleaded, stepping out into the pelting rain. "Oh I will go on about it, a lot. This is a thing now" Phil declared, throwing a hand over his head in a poor effort to stop the rain. "Don't make it a thing" dan whined. "It's a thing. Say you don't happen to have an umbrella in that Mary Poppins bag of yours do you?" He questioned in return.

"That would be a no" Dan said sheepishly, grabbing the back of his neck. "It's there anything in that bag?" Phil asked. "That would a no" Dan muttered, feeling the rain pelting down beginning to slip under his shirt. "Good job I have a car then hey?" Phil grinned pulling out his keys. Dan had to laugh when he saw them, the keys looked like a picture of Phil's personality. There were about a million keyrings of all different things from what Dan recognised as a bubble bobble dinosaur to muse to buffy the vampire slayer and you could barely make out the car key. "Oh that's good, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" Dan sighed, turning to begin his treck home in the rain when Phil's hand wrapped around his wrist. "Uh sorry where do you think you're going?" He asked, confusion splattered on his features. "Home?" Dan said with a general gesture to the gates. "Uh no you arent, you're coming with me and getting in my car and I'm driving you home" Phil stated matter-of-factly. "I am?" Dan said, almost smacking himself for how dumb it sounded. "Yes. Yes you are. Bea tells me you practically ran into work so unless you plan to steal a bike I don't see how you're getting home with without hypothermia" Phil stated, once again pulling dan in the direction he wanted him to go. "Wow alright dominant Lester" he muttered quietly. "D-don't call me that, but seriously listen to the biologist" Dr Lester replied.

"Ok Dr Lester. Let's go to the car" Dan smirked.

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