Chapter 9: You are such a flirt

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Phil's apartment was small. That was the only word for it. His bedroom was like a cupboard, it could barely contain the small single bed he had with bright blue and green bed sheets let alone the wooden wardrobe squeezed in the corner. His kitchen, living room and dining area all rolled into one. The kitchen had your basic necessities but the oven looked like it hadn't been touched in years and the dust on the dining table and chairs said everything dan needed to know about Phil's social life. In all honesty the entire place reminded him of his own apartment, just with less mould and suspicious stains and the sofa was less deformed. For a single guys apartment it was clean though, Dan had to commend that. "Right shoes off, I'll get you some clothes. You're probably my size" Phil said over his shoulder, busying himself with finding some clothes leaving dan on the doorstep. The room smelt exactly like Phil's car and, well, Phil. Popcorn and Vanilla which made for an interesting combination but it was strangely comforting. Dan decided he ought not to move, he was creating a small lake where he stood anyway and feared damage to Phil's lovely purple sofa or the cream carpet. He decided the man probably didn't need the permanent reminder that Daniel Howell had once set foot in this apartment and left a soggy ring wherever he went.

After a few moments of staring at the bright geeky posters and ornaments of the room he saw Phil return with some clothes. "Sorry I don't think I have anything to match your whole black aesthetic but I tried to find you stuff that wasn't too 'POW I'm Phil Lester'" he laughed handing over a pile of clothes. Instantly dan recoiled, he could see colour. Lots of colour. It wasn't 'pow' sure, unlike Phil's interesting choice of bright orange and green socks to go with a red plaid shirt and ripped black jeans but each to their own he supposed. "Bathrooms down there" he pointed past a severely wilting house plant before patting dan on the shoulder and going to collapse on his own sofa. "That's so far I'm doing to make such a mess" Dan sighed internally, looking himself up and down. "Sorry for the water" He screeched as he legged it for the door Phil was talking about, it was a random movement sure and he could hear the older guy creasing over with laughter but he really really didn't want to ruin Phil's apartment, despite the squeaking and screeching noises he made bouncing off the walls and furniture as he ran full speed at the door.

"Oh fucking hell" Dan exhaled looking at himself in the mirror. Phil had given him a jacket with shiny blue and red panels like he was some kid from stranger things, a white t shirt with blue stars, blue jeans and black socks (which he didn't object too). The underwear was tight to say the least but dan couldn't complain, he also didn't want to think about how weird it was that his own underwear was currently on his co-workers floor. Oh god. "Dan you ok in there" came Phil's voice from the other side of the door. "Yes" he squeaked, gathering up his wet clothes and shoving them in his leather bag before opening the door violently. "Ow ok please stop hurting me" Phil moaned as the door made contact with his exposed forehead. "Well, it might just be the concussion forming but uh you look really good" he smiled looking Dan up and down before throwing a very dorky thumbs up. "You are such a flirt" Dan huffed, depositing the bag by the front door. "I know" shrugged Phil with his back to dan, "so what do you want to do for dinner?" He swung around with an apron over his head.

"Fuck" Dan though internally, for some reason the vision of dr Lester in an apron had suddenly made him realise how domestically gay this entire situation was. "Did I wake up this morning in love actually? Am I dead?" He thought, whilst still rudely staring Phil up and down. First the comedically late introduction to the main character, Dan Howell, a budding young useless teacher. Then the meeting of the dashing hero Dr Lester, who so conveniently stayed onsite to meet dan to go home. Then the tripping, running in the rain after the hero, the car crash and the wearing his clothes which brought him up to now where he stood burning up. "Fuck" he thought again."Dan? Hello? I'm just going to order pizza. I can't cook to save my life" Phil sighed, removing the apron and tossing it to the side. "Pizza sounds good" Dan managed to stutter out before going to sit on the sofa to cotemplate his life choices. "I figured pizza since you didn't join me to buy any" Phil cut through his internal debate. "Oh shit I'm so sorry. I was drowning under year 12 work and lesson plans" Dan whipped round to apologise but was met with Phil's smiling gaze instead of something accusational. "I know i know I'm joking, just you owe me a date now" Phil replied, dropping down onto the sofa beside dan, propelling him into the air from the weight and enthusiasm of him sitting down. "I owe you a what?" He exclaimed. "Hmm? Sorry I didn't say anything" Phil smirked with a shrug, clicking on the tv. "Little shit".

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