Chapter 4: September Secret Santa

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The man sat in front of him was, for lack of a better word, special. Dorito dust was clinging to the corners of his mouth like a tiny child who had stuffed one too many crisps in, his delicate fingers currently waving at Dan held a mashmellow and his lab coat was any colour but white yet his dazzling grin, oceanic eyes and ebony quiff had managed to render Dan speechless which didn't happen often in his day to day life. "Phillllll you have Dorito stuff round your mouth" Bea whined, pouring hot water from the kettle she'd boiled into a Doctor Who mug and straining the tea bag. "Oops!" The man laughed, quickly swiping away the evidence with the back of his hand. Dan still found himself rooted to the spot, ogling at this man sat at a computer who was currently plucking marshmallows out of a paper bag and chewing them with tiny bites. "So what's your friends name?" Dr Lester asks Bea who has propped herself up on the counter. "Oh I'm sure he can introduce himself" she shrugged, turning to look out the window at a passing swallow. "Uh-Uh" Dan stuttered understanding he was required to speak but couldn't quite find the words. "What's your name" Phil prompted kindly, nothing mocking in his slightly northern tone. "Mr Howell, uh, Dan" he corrected with a shake of his head. "Nice to meet you Mr Howell-uh-Dan" Phil laughed sweetly, attempting to stand up from a desk covered in papers to shake his hand but was quickly distracted as he kneed the surface sending coffee flying all over the table. "Oh sugar!" He exclaimed frantically motioning for paper towels from the dispenser which Bea grabbed swiftly and threw at him, them managing to land on his desk fairly perfectly. "I don't get how she does that, they just flop to the floor when I do it" Phil mutters over his shoulder to Dan. "I have a doctorate in Physics Phillip, it's all about the maths" she commented, extracting a slightly chipped mug from his area of movement before the situation repeated itself. "Yes as I frequently have to remind you. Anyway I don't think poor Dan needs to hear us bickering like the old couple the entire school things we are, do you?" He quipped back, pushing his large black glasses up his nose. "Agreed. Not really my type Lester. Opinions Dan?" Bea suddenly turned to the man, surprising him at his sudden involvement in this situation. "Oh uh well he seems nice, a little clumsy but...nice" Dan cringed at his lack of a better adjective to describe the man but he seemed to appreciate it all the same. "Nice and clumsy, I will take that from a stranger. Just wait till you get to know me" Phil sighed, shoving another marshmallow in his mouth and assessing the carnage of tests on his desk.

"What are you going to do with those?" Dan asked after a while, finally finding himself perched on the counter top alongside Bea who he was discussing his decoration ideas with for the English office. "Not sure to be honest. They're completely ruined" Phil sighed, lifted a soaked coffee ridden test by its stapled corner and throwing it into the bin. "I can't make them re do it, that's so unfair, maybe I'll just make up the grades again" he said almost to himself, picking up the stack of paper and placing them into the recycling. "Again?" Dan asked, turning his body to face him now. "Uh yeah" Phil scratched his neck, "I spill stuff on them quite a lot so I frequently make up the scores. It's alright though they're usually pretty accurate" he attempts to convince Dan with little success. "Right" Dan replies turning towards the radio, "can I?" He asked gesturing to the machine and Bea nods. "Sorry we aren't allowed to use our phones or anything for the music in case something inappropriate comes on" she rolled her eyes, air quotes emphasising inappropriate. "Look Just because you traumatised some year 7's with your music doesn't mean you have to be so bitter about that rule" Phil piped up from his desk as he walked towards the other two and away from his computer.

With one smooth motion he turned on the radio, allowing the upbeat tunes of Panic! At the discos latest chart song. "Damn This song is good" Dan exclaimed, bopping to the fanfare beat. "It's got nothing on Pretty odd or Plug in baby but I'll give it its due" Phil nodded. "You like muse?" Dan whipped his attention to the man immediately. "Yes I'd say I do" Phil laughed. "He's been to see them five times" Bea chirped. "Damn five? I got fired from a job as a teenager because I went to see them at Reading" Dan admitted with a slurp from whatever drink Bea had pushed into his hand. "Brilliant" Phil shook his head with a laugh before offering a marshmallow. "Uh why is half the bag missing?" Dan asked, graciously accepting the offer. "Half?! Phillip Lester I said you could have one or two! Jesus those were for Pj" Bea practically yells, ripping the bag from his hand with a disappointed look. "My Bad my bad, I'm not sorry though. It's kind of a lame gift" Phil shrugged, turning down the radio. "Gift?" Dan enquired clearly lost now.

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