Chapter 10

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Warnings: Mention of blood. Mention of alcohol.
Disclaimer: What happens in the game will not always be what actually occurred.

I walk to the bench so I can prepare my medical supplies. "Omg, is that Y/N Y/L," I hear someone yell.

I turn in that direction and see two girls who are probably both 15. They wave at me and I wave back. I turn back to my things, I guess some people still recognize me.

At 7:45 the girls head into the locker room to change. After a few the starting players line up while the others come sit at the bench.

Both anthems are played and the game starts. First official game as the team doctor, let's see how it goes.


The game has been going pretty well so far. We had a chance around the fourth minute, but Mal was pushed a little when she took her shot. It has been tough though, Japan hit the crossbar around the tenth minute which did not make Jill too happy.

I'm talking to Ashlyn when she looks towards the field. I look along with her and see Tobin running down the pitch. "Go Toby," I yell.

Tobin crosses it and Pinoe gets her foot on it a scores. The players on the bench jumps up as we celebrate.

"Yes, Pinoe!"

"Pinoe, Pinoe, Pinoe!"

"Yes, queeeen!"

I hear from all around the bench and I laugh, I missed these celebrations. I sigh as I sit back down. "Are you ok," Ashlyn asked me as she sits down.

I nod with a smile and nod, "I'm ok. It just feels weird and great to be back here," I tell her.

She smiles and bumps her shoulder against mine. "I'm happy, Y/N/N. Like we have told you, we all missed you," Ashlyn tells me.

I smile at her, but it falls a little as I think back to what Tristan told me to do a couple weeks ago, I still don't know what to do.

Around the 29th minute Alex makes an amazing interception. "Go, Alex," I shout as her, Pinoe, and Tobin run down the field.

I groan when Pinoe takes a shot not seeing that Tobin is wide open. I sit back down and just relax until Julie gets taken down outside our box. I stand up prepared to go on the field as I see her grab her ankle and some of the team starts to surround her. Crystal waves me over and I grab my medical kit and run onto the field.

"Alright, guys, give me some space please," I tell the team.

The team backs up and I start to take Julie's cleat off, "Where does it hurt," I ask as she winces when I move it around a little.

Julie points to the outside of her ankle. I move it around in that area and she winces again. "Do you want to keep playing," I ask Julie.

She looks at me confused, "You're letting me decide?"

"Yeah, it's nothing major, probably a sprain, but I can take you to the sideline, wrap your ankle for now and you'll be good to go," I tell her.

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