Chapter 32

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Warnings: None

Alex's POV:

When I feel Y/N's breathing even out I know she is asleep. "Kelley," I say which causes her to turn around and face me, "I'm worried about Y/N. I just - I just hate seeing her like this. I don't want her to go down this path again."

"I know, Al. I feel the same. The entire team along with Jill and Dawn are noticing it. We need to figure something out," Kelley tells me and I nod, "We'll figure it out, Al," Kelley tells me then send me a smile and then turns back around.

I look down at Y/N and caress her cheek. I then speak quietly to her, "Just fight this war that's going on in your head, Y/N, please."

Y/N's POV:

It is the day after the Chile game, we won 3-0 with two goals from Carli and one from Julie. We get to stay in Paris for two days and then we have to go to Le Havre for the Sweden game.

Right now I am in the hotel gym on the treadmill. Dawn said I could start running again, so I have been running everyday. Alex, Allie, and Kelley went out today, I was invited but I didn't feel like going, there's too much on my mind. I've been thinking about what I'm going to do at the Sweden game with Hartley, I still don't know what to do.

I was going to continue running, but a hand is put in front of my face which causes me to almost fall but I catch myself. I stop the treadmill and turn it off. I look to my right and I see Dawn. "Hey, Dawn. What's up," I say a I get off the treadmill.

"Sit down," Dawn says pointing to a chair.

I look at her confused but do it anyway. "What is this about," I ask her.

"You're pushing yourself too hard, Y/N."

"What do you mean? You told me I could run and that's what I've been doing," I tell her.

"But you're pushing yourself beyond what you should be doing," Dawn says and I sigh.

"You're not running only because you want to recover, but because of everything that's going on," Dawn says and I look at her with a small glare.

"I'm fine," I say as I stand up and leave the room.

Dawn doesn't follow me so I go straight to my room and take a shower. Once I finish I put some jeans on, a t-shirt on, and some Adidas sneakers. I grab my phone, wallet, and key card and leave my room. I go down to the lobby, but I see Dawn and Jill talking, so I leave the hotel through the back door.

No one needs to know what I'm going through right now, they already have enough on their plate. I would just make them stressed then I would be asked to leave again.

I sigh as I walk along the streets in Paris. I see a park and sit on a bench. My phone starts going off and I see multiple texts from the team, mainly Alex. They're all asking where I am and if I'm ok. I look at my phone wondering what to do. "You know, you should probably respond," someone says from behind me.

I quickly turn around and I roll my eyes, "Hello, Mrs. Coleman," I say and turn back around.

I hear Vivian sigh and walk over. She sits next to me on the bench and I clench my jaw. "You can call me Vivian, if you would like."

I don't respond and just look into the distance. "What are you doing here," I ask her.

"Your dad, Hartley, and I were at the cafe across the street. I saw you through the window and wanted to talk. Hartley thinks I'm just taking a walk, so relax," Vivian says.

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