Chapter 33

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Warnings: None

I look back at Y/N and kneel next to the bed. "I'm so sorry baby. We shouldn't of acted like that. We knew that you already weren't feeling ok and we just made it worse," I whisper and brush some hair off of Y/N's face.

I place a kiss on her forehead and stand up. I make sure Y/N's things are packed then I pack my things. Once I'm done I get into my pajamas and lay in bed. I move close to Y/N and lightly trace the tattoos on her back.

"I love you so much Y/N. I will always be here for you. I'm sorry for how I acted," I say and wrap my arm around her waist and place my head in between her shoulder blades.

"Goodnight, Y/N/N."

Y/N's POV:

I hear the alarm on my phone go off and I turn it off. It's 6am and I decided to go to the gym. I feel weight on my back and I turn my neck slightly and I see Alex. I sigh and slowly move her onto the bed. I get out of bed and look at her.

I grab a piece of paper and write a note on it letting her know I'm going to the gym, just in case if she wakes up. I change into my workout clothes and head to the gym. I first do some weights and then go on the treadmill for the rest of the time.

I grab my phone and I see it's 7:30, breakfast is at 8. I grab all my things and head back to my room. When I walk in Alex is putting a shirt on and I just freeze.

Alex sees me, "Hey."

"Hi," I say and walk past her to get clothes.

I hear Alex sigh, "I'm sorry."

I turn around to look at her with no emotion on my face. Alex frowns, "I'm sorry for the way we all acted last night. We should of heard you out. We know that you're not ok and we just made it worse."

I look down, "It made me feel like I shouldn't be here, like you guys don't want me here."

"What? Why? Of course we want you here," Alex says as she walks towards me.

"Yeah, well how Ashlyn and Kelley reacted, it seems like I shouldn't," I say, "And I know it's seems like I'm overreacting, but with everything going on in my life, yesterday made me feel like absolute shit."

"Baby," Alex says as she places are hands on my cheeks, "Look at me, please."

I raise my head, "You do belong here. You belong with me and the team."

"It just hurt, Al," I say as I move around her to go into the bathroom.
Alex's POV:

I sigh sadly as Y/N enters the bathroom. I pull out my phone and text the team group chat.

Alex: All of us majorly screwed up! Y/N is hurt after what happened last, not physically, but emotionally. She feels like she doesn't belong here. We need to fix this!

After I send that multiple texts come in from the team talking about how bad they feel and how we're going to fix this. I set my phone down when I hear the shower shut off.
Y/N's POV:

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