Chapter 29

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Warnings: None

"I'll come to dinner, but you lost the privilege to call me your daughter when you left me fifteen years ago," I say with tears streaming down my face, "Here is the hotel address," I say as I write it on a piece of paper and hand it to him, "I'll be outside at 7," I say and walk on the bus.

The entire team is staring since they probably heard everything. They know everything that happened with my dad so I'm not surprised. I sit next to Alex with no emotion on my face.

Alex grabs my hand and gently squeezes it three times to tell me that she loves me. I look at her and squeeze it back three time and she gives me a sympathetic smile. Alex then places a kiss on my forehead and wraps an arm around me and pulls me into her which calms me down.

The bus starts to move and we are on our way back to the hotel. I am not excited for dinner.

Y/N's POV:

I am getting ready for dinner while Alex takes a shower. She is going out to dinner with the team while I have to go to dinner with my dad.

I decided to wear black ripped jeans, a white shirt, my jean jacket, and black Nike sneakers. As I'm putting my sneakers on Alex walks out with a towel wrapped around her body. "Hi, beautiful," I say as I finish putting my sneakers on.

"Hi, my love," Alex says as she walks over to me.

I stand up and I wrap my arms around her a pull her in for a hug. "I'm gonna need a lot of cuddles when I get back," I mumble into her shoulder.

Alex kisses the side of my head, "Of course baby."

I pull away, "I need to get going. I'll see you later, ok?"

Alex nods and places a kiss on my lips, "I love you."

"I love you too," I tell her with a smile and I walk out the room.

When I get to the lobby I see Kelley standing there nervously. "Kelley," I say which catches her attention, "What are you doing down her? You guys don't leave for another thirty minutes and you never come down this early."

Kelly quickly walks over to me and pulls me in for a hug, "Please stay safe. If anything happens just call anyone on the team and we'll come get you."

I smile and kiss the top of her head, "I will Kell, I promise."

Kelley pulls away and fixes my jacket, "Ok, you can go now," she says and I smile.

"Bye Kelley."

"Bye Y/N," she says and I walk out the hotel to see my dad sitting on a bench.

He sees me and stands up with a small smile, "You ready?"

I just nod in response and follow him down the sidewalk. It was just silent till we get to the restaurant and are seated. While I'm looking at the menu my dad speaks up, "You can't just ignore me, Y/N."

I look up at him with a glare, "If you can do it to me for fifteen years of my life I think you can handle a few minutes," I tell him and go back to looking at my menu.

"I asked you out for dinner so we could talk," he says.

I sigh and place my menu on the table, "Fine let's talk. Why did you leave mom and I?"

My dad looks at me sympathetically, "I'm so sorry."

"Tell me," I say while glaring at him.

"I met someone else," he says and I clench my jaw tightly.

"Is it that woman I met at the game," I ask.

My dad nods and I feel anger building up in my body as the waiter walks over with our drinks. "You left me and mom for someone else? You left your daughter for someone else," I say with anger.

"I had to," he says.

"You had to? What was so important that you left me to suffer? Was it-," I say but get cut off.

"She was pregnant," he says and my eyes widen and my chest tightens, "She was pregnant with my child."

I feel tears start to flow down my cheeks and I look down at the table. "You left me for another kid," I say quietly.

"I'm so sorry Y/N," he says as he reaches over to hold my hand but I quickly snatch it away.

"Do you understand everything I had to go through after you left and didn't even say goodbye to me. Mom kicked me out when I was seventeen, I had to live on the streets for a year," I say and his eyes widen.

"Why would she do that?"

"Because I'm gay. I told you I was gay when I was thirteen and you told me that you would be there for me when I told mom, but no, you walked out and left me for some other kid," I tell him.

"Y/N, honey, I didn't want any of that to happen," he says with tears in his eyes.

"Well it did because you weren't there. You weren't there when I needed you the most. I thought that I did something wrong. I thought I was the reason you left. I blamed myself everyday. I felt like I wasn't enough," I say as I start to cry a little more, "I tried to kill myself because of all the pain and suffering I went through."

My dad's eyes widen, "You-you, why? Honey, I didn't want that to happen. I was going to come back, I swear, but I got so caught up with-," I cut him off.

"With your new family, I got it," I say and stand up and start to walk out the restaurant.

Once I'm out I hear my dad call me, "Y/N, wait," he says as he grabs my wrist.

I quickly take it away from him and turn to face him, "Is Hartley my sister? Is she the one that you left me for?"

He nods looking down and more tears start to come down my face. "She's lucky she has a dad," I say and turn around, "And a mom," I say and start to walk away.

"I'm still your father, Y/N," my dad says.

I turn back to face him, "My father wouldn't of left me. He wouldn't of let me suffer, he would of loved me," I tell him and walk away.

I hear my dad let out a little cry and punch something which makes me cry harder. I start to walk away faster.

I start to walk around Reims with tear stains on my cheeks. Just thinking that my dad left me for another family kills me inside. The feeling of emptiness is coming back, but I don't want it, but I can't do anything about. Both of my parents broke me.

I stop walking and lean against a wall thinking about everything. My breathing starts to become heavy and I feel tears start to come down my face. I shakily pull out my phone and go to contacts and click the name of the person I need the most. The person answers and hears my erratic breathing and I hear them panic, "Y/N?! What's wrong?!"

I slide down the wall as it gets harder to breathe, "I need you."
Kelley's POV:

The rest of the girls and I are at dinner right now. I'm starting to get worried about Y/N because she hasn't text me, Alex, or anybody else.

I look across the table and I see Alex looking down worried. I sigh and lean back in my chair when I feel my phone buzz. I pull it out of my jacket and see the name of a person I did not expect a call from. "Excuse me for a minute," I say to the girls and I walk out the restaurant.

"Why are you call-," but then I get cut off.

"Y/N needs help," the person says frantically.

My eyes widen and I rush into the restaurant, "Send me her location."

"I just did, I'm on my way to her now," they say and then hang up.

"Guys, we gotta go," I say catching everyone's attention, "It's Y/N."
Here you guys go! I really hope you enjoyed the update! Don't forget to comment, vote, and stay safe!

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