Sneak Peak of New Book

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IMPORTANT A/N: Hey, everyone! Here is a sneak peak of a new book that I have been working on. It was requested by someone that would like to say anonymous. The prologue is similar to You're the One and you will be reading the prologue today. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. Anyways, onto the sneak peak!

It all started when they met at a coffee shop, you're typical love story. Erin Barker met the love of her life, Christen Press. She was Erin's one and only. They did everything together. Christen supported Erin's dreams in becoming a singer and songwriter and Erin supported Christen's dreams of becoming a professional soccer player.

In 2013, Christen made her first cap with the USWNT. That year was when Christen met Erin's childhood best friend, Tobin Heath. They instantly connected and her, Erin, and Tobin became inseparable.

All three of them trusted each other and Tobin and Christen were the most important people in Erin's life. Then 2014 came and Erin's life took a turn.


Past: August 3, 2014

Erin's POV:

Today is Christen and mines four year anniversary. I decided that I have waited long enough to propose to her. I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with her. I am on my way home right not to pick her up for dinner. Ali went out with me to pick up the ring and she and some of the other girls are where I need for them to set everything up.

As I pull up to our apartment, I take a deep breath as I pull the ring box out of my jacket pocket. I smile softly as I open it and run my finger over it. I place the box back in my pocket and get out of the car. Once I reach my apartment, my heart starts racing with excitement as I open the door.

"Babe!" I shout as I step inside and close the door.

I don't receive a response but laugh lightly when I hear music coming from our bedroom. I walk towards it and open the door. I instantly freeze and my heart sinks when I see a naked Christen on top of  our best friend, Tobin.

Both of them quickly turn and look at me and their eyes go wide. "Erin!" Christen shouts as she jumps off of Tobin.

"Wow," I say softly but full of disappointment.

"Erin," Tobin says pulling the cover up, "We can explain."

"No need to," I say as tears stream down my cheeks.

"Baby," Christen says walking towards me now with clothes on and the music now off.

I shake my head. "I can't believe you!" I scream full of anger, "I can't believe the both of you!"

Tobin and Christen both looked shocked, I've never lashed out like this. "I trusted the both of you," I say and Christen looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Today is our four year anniversary and I guess that instead of being with your girlfriend, you would rather be fucking her best friend," I say sadly.

"Erin, please let us explain," Christen says placing her hand on my arm.

I instantly pull away. "I don't want to hear either of your explanations," I tell her.

I sigh and turn away as I run my fingers through my blonde hair. "Here," I say turning back around, "Maybe you can use this now, Tobin," I say tossing the ring box onto the bed.

Both of their eyes go wide as they stare at the box. Christen walks to the bed and gently grabs it. She tentatively opens the box and lets out a sob when she sees the ring. "Shit," Tobin mumbles.

"We're through Christen," I tell her and she quickly looks towards me.

"No, no, please," Christen says pleadingly.

"And our friendship is done. You knew I was gonna propose and then you go and do this," I say looking at Tobin.

She opens her mouth but nothing comes out as her eyes become watery. "I'll ask someone to get my things," I say turning around and walking out of the room.

"Erin! Wait!" I hear Christen say as she follows me.

"Stop," I tell Christen as I turn to face her, "It's done. You made your decision."

Christen falls to her knees and I hold in the temptation to go and hold her. The temptation leaves me when Tobin quickly comes out, now with clothes on, and she goes to the ground and wraps her arms around Christen.

I nod sadly as tears flow faster down my cheeks. I turn around and quickly leave the apartment. Once I reach my car I call Ali. "Hey!" She says excitingly, "Everything is set up."

"That's great," I say sadly as I sniffle.

"What's wrong?" Ali asks concerned, "Can Christen not come now?"

"No," I say as I pull out of the parking lot, "She can't."

"What?" Ali says in disbelief, "Why not?"

I let out a sob as I pull over and I lean my head against the steering wheel. "Erin? Erin, talk to me," Ali says pleadingly.

"She-she cheated," I say with ragged breaths.

"What?!" Ali screams through the phone, "I swear when I-," she starts saying but I cut her off.

"Just leave it, Al. It's over," I tell her and she sighs.

"Rin," she says gently, "Don't say that."

"I can't even talk to my best friend,"' I say as I let out another sob.

"Why not?" She asks and I let out a bitter laugh.

"Because she's occupied with Christen," I mutter.

"Are you kidding me!" Ali shouts and I sigh.

"I'll come and clean everything up," I say as I pull back onto the road.

"Erin," Ali says sadly.

"I just want to see it, alone. Please," I say as I make my way to the area.

"Okay, I'll make sure everyone leaves," she says and I sigh.

"Thank you. Talk to you later, bye Al," I say as I get closer.

"Bye, Erin. Please take care of yourself," Ali says and I hang up.

I reach the lake and I see the stream of lights hung up on the trees and a table by the water. I walk out and sit at the table and let out a loud sob. I lean my head onto the table thinking of this horrible day.

Four years down the drain.

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