nightmares pt2 (clintspietro)

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let's pretend here that pietro is shorter then clint



"i can say the same for you barton, you gonna make a move or are you to slow for that."
"how about you wait and see....." clint moved towards the boy. the moon showcasing his gorgeous blue eyes, clint kept walking until pietro's back hit the wall he stared into his blue eyes and got lost in the shine of them he knew he was in love with the silver haired boy. he knew this was his chance, clint's eyes stared deeply into his lovers or his soon to be lover.


clint stared and knew he had one thing left to do kiss him and so he did the kiss was deep filled with love and passion. clint lifted the smaller male by tapping on his thighs signaling for him to wrap his legs around his torso and he did they stayed there backed up against the wall kissing for minutes although it felt like hours.
only coming up for air once, clint felt spectacular finally getting the boy he loved.

they pulled apart, pietro had a star struck gaze, clint was the first one to speak "that was amazing an" before he could even finish pietro completed his sentence "long over due." "yeah it was, pietro i love you so much and i missed you so much will you be my boyfriend."

clint looked into his eyes waiting for a answer scared he would get rejected. instead he saw tears drip down the younger males face. "yes yes." pietro wanted to scream out to the world that he said yes but stayed silent for the child was asleep.

pietro hugged the man tighter but clint could still feel the tears still steaming down the boys face "hey hey why are you crying now." "i just thought this would never happen i thought i was stuck in there forever." "never my love i was looking for you and i never stopped."

the two shared another kiss pietro still up against the wall wrapped around the older mans torso forgetting the pain in his body.
the kiss felt like fireworks, their body's hot from being pressed together.

they two pulled away and walked up stairs both tired from what had happened that night they both knew they would never forget this night, the night they got their love back.

that night the two slept with no nightmares of their partner getting hurt or killed. no sound besides the steady breath of the men, cuddled into each other no space in between them. nothing could get in the way of them not anyone or anything it was them against the world.

nathen slept with a smile on his face as well happy for his father that he finally slept peacefully and he had someone else with him.
he was happy to have another parent no matter that he was guy.

519 words
okay this kinda sucked and it's really short but i didn't want to keep it to long. but besides that i hope you guys liked it.
love you guys💫

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