show stopping (clintspietro)

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clint was nervous it was his first day at shield academy of arts. he got in the best school in the country on a full ride scholarship for ballet. he didn't want to be late or make a fool of himself so he set off earlier then he needed to or so he thought he hadn't notice the distance the school was from his small apartment.

he walked calmly but swiftly to his first class until he took a tumble well almost because someone caught him. he looked up to see a silver haired boy with piercing blue eyes.

/clint's pov

"oh my god, i am so so sorry umm."
"clint yeah, cute name i'm pietro and i wish i could stay and talk but i have to go.
"oh um yeah bye."

wow good job barton you had to stutter he probably thinks you're some weird freak now ugh i need nat at least we have the same classes.

// time skip

'hello class and welcome to shield academy of arts i'm your principal fury. we will be holding a theatrical dance performances for a grand prize of ______ yeah guys ha you can't know it but you will find out soon, auditions are on friday good luck. we need many different people here art students, engineers, dancers everyone now goodbye.'

"well damn did he just disappear nat ?" i was so confused on what just happened."yeah he did you dingus". "steveee she said a no no word."
"nat babe don't be so rude."
"yeah listen to steve he's nice you asshat."
"clint watch it."
"fine captain no fun."
"so clint who's the white haired kid i saw you with?"
"uhh what w-what are you talking about"
"clint don't lie to me i saw you blushing and you're blushing right now."

"hi everyone, my names wanda maxmioff and this is my twin brother pietro."
"so you're the mysterious white haired kid" why does nat do these things to me.
"um what?" pietro has a accent huh.
"nothing just ignore her."
"you're the cute guy from the morning the one who i caught."
"this is the one you've been talking about all day brother." he was talking about me to his sister? did he just call me cute?

"yeah that's me clint barton, these are my friends natasha and steve.
"wow i love your hair natasha it's so vibrant it's beautiful."
"thank you i love your hair to we should go to the mall sometime.
"oh my god yes let's do it." that's weird nat never really gets along with girls.
i just watched nat get along with wanda and now she's dragging her away to meet someone else with steve behind them what the hell is going on?
that sneaky son of a bitch she left me here with pietro.

"clint hello clint."
"huh oh sorry i was just thinking, now that they're gone did you call me cute ?"
"well i don't know did i ?"
"you did i swear i remember it."
"okay yeah i did but am i lying ? the answer is no you're very cute."
"alright flirt whatever you say, so what's your major."
"contemporary dance it's always been my thing and yours ?"
"ballet it was never my thing until i went to a class with natasha and i fell in love with it."
"yes it makes sense you look more like a archer but that is my opinion."
"i use to be a archer but i stopped after i joined ballet my name was hawkeye. you on the other hand look like you run and you're fast at, i'm gonna call you quicksilver because of the silver hair and you're quick."
"you're right i do run a lot hawkeye."
"hmm you're very cocky you know that"
"i do know that. are you going to try out for the theatrical dance performance ?"
"uh yeah i think so, are you ?"
"yeah i am i'll get in i know it."
"see you're getting cocky again it's gonna bite you in the ass one day i know it."
"mmm let's see maybe it will or maybe it'll give me something i want."
"and what do you want silver."
"you." did he just say me and then walk away cocky little bastard.

i gotta go find nat, and steve. i think they went that way with wanda hopefully pietro went somewhere else i can feel the heat on my face. ugh god why is he so hot for geez keep it together barton.i probably sound like a a 13 year old.


"yes, yes you do."
"wade get out of here this isn't your book."
"well maybe if you would actually update it i wouldn't bother you."
"ugh don't come for me i'll update soon."
"mmm fine i'm watching you also readers, pressure her to update my book bye bye."

i finally found tasha,steve and wanda but someone else was their with them i don't know who but he sounded british and proper he also had a arm around wanda so i'm guessing her boyfriend but who knows.

"hey guys"
"hi clint where's pietro ?"
"uh i don't know we were talking and he just walked away after."
"huh weird well this is my boyfriend vince but you can call him vision or vis"
"hey vision cool name."
"thank you clint."
"well me and vis have to go i'll catch up with you guys later i'll be at the tryouts."

"so clint how'd it go with you and your silver lover boy."
"doll leave him alone."
"babe let me have my fun"
"ugh you guys make me sick with those lover names."
"could be you and pietro but you're to much of a chicken."
"nattt you're supposed to help me and give me support."
"clint man up don't be a pussy."nat don't be rude."
"clint what happened when we came over here ?"


"hmm you're very cocky you know that"
"i do know that. are you going to try out for the theatrical dance performance ?"
"uh yeah i think so, are you ?"
"yeah i am i'll get in i know it."
"see you're getting cocky again it's gonna bite you in the ass one day i know it."
"mmm let's see maybe it will or maybe it'll give me something i want."
"and what do you want silver."

/end of flashback

"wait did he just basically tell you he likes you ?"
"yeah he did and then he walked away now what do i do?"
"well just wait till tryouts and see what happens."

// time skip two days
tryout day

"hey clint are you nervous ?"
"is that even a question nat i'm going first before anyone else and i could make a fool of myself and pietro could be watching and i-."
"pietro? did i hear that right your silver lover boy."
"he's not my lover boy shush."
"sounds like he is birdbrain now go on you'll do amazing i know it go."
"thank you nat, i love you scary lady."
"yeah yeah love you too asshat."
"nat language."
"oh shush you big baby let's go to the front to watch him perform."

1223 words
part 2 will be up at the end of the month.
okay i finally finished rewriting this i'm sorry for being gone for so long but i'm back this was requested by Toast10101 i love you all bye.

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