Chapter 2

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12:21 Noon


"Why are you here again? Didn't Sakurajima-senpai's Adolescence syndrome died down?"

 "Hey, Futaba. I'm not ugly am I? I'm really attractive, right? There's nothing to hate about me, right?"

Sakuta kept grumbling nonsense as he laid his head on my desk.

"You should really consider using a mirror. No, you're not attractive and there's a lot of things to hate about you."

"When a friend is in trouble, you should comfort them, not make them feel worse. What the hell's wrong with you?"

"I'm just telling the truth. Now get off my desk, I'm doing something."

He raised his head and looked at me with puppy eyes. Instead of feeling pity, I felt my skin crawl up to my spine.

"Were you rejected by Sakurajima-senpai?"

"She said that she still needs to think about it. But, what's there to think about?"

"Maybe the fact that you embarrassed her to the whole school by shouting out your love for her, you rascal."

Using the beaker tongs, I handed a beaker of coffee to the rejected bum in front of me. I didn't use the tongs just because the beaker was hot. I used it because I felt that if I made contact with this rascal, I'll be infected by his idiocy.

"Why don't just talk to her about it?"

"I can't. She's filming a new drama and she'll be gone for a while."

"What do you expect from a celebrity? Don't get your hopes too high, idiot."

"I'll probably be fine though... I'll be entertained enough even if I just think of Mai-san's body."

A perverted boy that feels pleasure from punishment yet has no shame whatsoever. A true rascal. I glared at him with disgusted eyes until he strikes a question out of the blue.

"Hey, Futaba. If you were Mai-san and I said that I love you, would you have went out with me?"



With no sign of hesitation, she answered my question brutally.

"So you still can't get over Kunimi, huh~"

As soon as I mentioned Kunimi's name, her attention was averted to me. Her former empty and monotone face instantly turned to a shy and embarrassed one.

"Wh-What are you talking about?"

Futaba continues to act oblivious despite her face being beet red. So I said the magic word, huh.

"Futaba! Sakuta!"

A familiar face popped up on the Science club room's window.

"Speak of the devil. Here he is."

"Huh? Were you two talking about me?"

Kunimi tilted his head after hearing my reaction to his presence.

"N-No! W-We were just talking about Sakuta being a devil or something."

Futaba was obviously startled and started making up excuses while blushing. Her embarrassed face turned into a death glare when she glanced at me. 

"Eh~ Anyway, you guys have any water? I'm thirsty as heck."

"Y-Yeah. Wait there, I'll grab it."

She hurriedly ran towards a nearby shelf causing her to stumble when she hit my leg. The coffee from the beaker spilled on her white lab gown.

"Ah! What's wrong with you?!"

"Me? You were in such a hurry, that's why the coffee spilled!"

After realizing her mistake, Futaba made a big sigh and tried to smudge off the brown stain.

"My uniform also got stained. I'll just go get a spare from the locker room."

Oh? This might be a good opportunity for these two to spend time together.

"Locker room? That's all the way to the other side of the school. Hey, Kunimi, you can't just let a vulnerable girl like Futaba walk around the school alone in wet clothes right? Those perverted boys will surely stare at her."

A clever excuse for the two of them to walk to the locker room together!

'Honestly, I wish I had a friend like me.'

I told myself sarcastically.

"Hm? Well, yeah that makes sense. Futaba, I'll come with yo-"

"Hey, Kunimi! Why are you slacking off over there? Break time is over, get back to practice!"

Unfortunately, it was all in vain due to Kunimi's captain yelling, demanding him to come back.

"Ah! I'm really sorry, Futaba. I need to go back now, maybe Sakuta can escort you to the locker room though!"

As Kunimi ran off and disappeared from sight, signs of disappointment were shown on Futaba's face.

"Sakuta, you don't have to try so hard to try and set me up with Kunimi. I appreciate the effort but... I'm afraid it simply gives me false hope."

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