Chapter 10

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"M-Me? Pretend to date a first year? I can't do that, I have a girlfriend!"

Sakuta insisted as he repeatedly swung his head left and right after our explanation and proposal.

'What is he on about? I'm pretty sure he got rejected by Sakurajima-senpai so there's no way he has a girlfriend.'

While I was being confused from the rascal's response, I noticed Kunimi giving him a death glare as if he's telling Sakuta to shut up. Seriously, whenever these two are together all they do is act all suspiciously as if hiding something from me.

'What did Sakuta say that made Kunimi try and silence him?'

As I was attempting to analyze the rascal's response from earlier, I remembered the promise I made with Kunimi during lunchtime so I immediately stopped my train of thought and ignored them.

"It's fine, Sakuta. You only have to pretend during school hours in order to stop Maezawa from asking Tomoe out."

"E-Eh... Is there no other person who can do it?"

I was honestly expecting Sakuta to immediately agree and help Koga out, but it seems as though that is nothing but a pipe dream. After all, he may be a rascal but he would normally provide aid even within a short notice.

To be fair, it is completely reasonable for him to be hesitant about doing something like this. Although they are just pretending, being in a relationship is an entire commitment wherein you have to give time and effort to make things work, or in this case, make people think that it works.

"A-Alright. Hypothetically, just hypothetically! If I were to pretend to date Koga-san, how long do we have to do it?"

As if he noticed the disappointment in my expression, Sakuta asked cautiously. He probably felt bad from being too hesitant and immediately rejecting the plan, so he tried to see if he can do something about it.

But to tell the truth, that question is a difficult one to answer. In order to prevent Maezawa from asking Koga to be his girlfriend, we need someone to pretend to be her boyfriend. But we are still unsure on the duration of this facade as well as until when they should keep pretending. Of course, it is best case scenario if Sakuta pretends to date her for a long and indefinite amount of time until Maezawa loses interest on Koga. But obviously, this would be too unreasonable and would be a bother to both parties. Sakuta already seems hesitant about doing this in the first place so I can't imagine him being too thrilled about pretending to date someone he barely knows for a significant amount of time. This would also hinder them from having real relationships and love with people they have actual interests in, especially the rascal since the whole school already knows he confessed his love to Sakurajima-senpai.

'So perhaps we should only make them pretend to date each other for a short period of time?'

I thought about it for a while but came to the conclusion that this was also not the right answer. If we make it so that the two of them pretend to date for only a few days then proceed to tell the others after that they suddenly broke up, it would be too suspicious. Although short term relationships are not uncommon among teenagers, it would still put them at the risk of finding out their facade. Also, if the fake relationship ends too early, Maezawa might still not have time to move on from his feelings toward Koga and tries to ask her to be his girlfriend once again. If that does happen, it would be worst case scenario since all our efforts would be in vain, putting us back to square one as well as limiting our other choices to stop it in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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