Chapter 8

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"Kunimi, how did you know about the Adolescence syndrome?"

His body froze up at his moment of realization.


Naturally he was startled and started stuttering. I know for a fact that I never explicitly explained to him what Adolescence Syndrome is and what it does to people but the fact that the moment Kunimi heard about Koga's supernatural experience, he was instantly able to connect it to Adolescence Syndrome. This suggests that he knows exactly what happens to people who experience such events.

"S-Sakuta mentioned it to me briefly one time. H-He said strange and supernatural things happen to people or something. He even told me the giant scar on his chest is caused by that Adolescence syndrome thing. T-That's all he really mentioned to me though."

Did the rascal really did that? Perhaps there may be chance that he mentioned it to Kunimi, even for just a brief moment...

'But no.'

This is just me trying to rationalize whatever Kunimi claims are due to the fact that I have feelings for him. I am fairly certain that something is up and he is hiding something from me.

Thinking such thoughts, I glared at Kunimi with eyes filled with suspicion. He must have felt it as he immediately tried to avoid the subject and change the topic back to Koga's experience.

"A-Anyway, if this really is Adolescence Syndrome, then you should consult Futaba. She's an expert on these kind of stuff."

For a moment, I felt my heart skip a beat from Kunimi's flattery but soon realized that this is also a contradiction to his claims. He told me earlier that the only thing Sakuta told him is about that scar on his chest, as well as briefly explaining that Adolescence syndrome causes supernatural occurrences. But now he even knows that I'm involved with such events. Sakuta often confides in me and asks for my advice, especially when he was helping out Sakurajima-senpai. I highly doubt that the rascal would reveal that to Kunimi, even if they are really close.

"Well, I'll take you up on your offer then, senpai. But can I consult you about this after class in the Science club room instead of here? It seems that lunch time is almost over, and I really don't want other people to know about this."

As I was deeply thinking about Kunimi's suspicious actions, Koga suggested a time and place for her consultation.

"All right, that's fine with us."

Kunimi claimed, putting his thumbs up as a sign of reassurance before looking back at me, seeing if I have any protest to it. Because I was still trying to think about the situation, I simply nodded to Koga then looked back at Kunimi with my hands on my chin, basically trying to pressure him to spilling the beans.

'What are you hiding from me, Kunimi?'

'Aren't we close? Why would try and lie to me?'

'Has this something to do with how you are acting recently?'

Unfortunately, all these thoughts were all for naught because Kunimi instantly avoided my gaze when he noticed it.

"Ah, wait up, Koga! One more thing."

He shouted to the first year student who was beginning to walk away.

"What is it, Kunimi-senpai?"

"Well I was wondering since we'll be helping you and we're gonna talk a lot from here on out, how about we drop the honorifics and start calling each other by our first names, Tomoe?"

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