1. Our Meeting

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[Ya'll i draw the chapter art and book cover so pls dont j u d g e how bad it looks like]


(y/n) has a particular hobby that is quite popular on the internet, which is reading horror stories and urban legends. She believe in so many things such as monsters, crazy rituals and many more. But one night, (y/n) came across this particular story and a video evidence that suggests a monster by the name of Siren Head is real and roaming free.

"Hahaha! Just some overly edited video with CGI, huh? Well I must admit it looks so real!" (y/n) smiled to the screen. "If a monster that big really does exist... I think everyone will find out about it sooner or later. He has siren as heads! He's probably louder than Ariana Grande's concert."

Though, the video evidence is very limited. She only managed to find two more. One is filmed in the woods by a camera that is presumably 'left behind' and later picked up by the owner and the other one is someone filming from a rooftop, getting the monster on camera.

"Ahh I must say these video evidence looks convincing enough to cause a chain reaction on Facebook. But it's just a made up creature anyways."

The more (y/n) look up about the said monster, the harder it is to find more 'evidence' photos and videos about him. (y/n) eventually give up and turn off her computer for the night, getting on her bed and tuck herself under the blanket. Tomorrow she will try and draw the new viral monster and show her love towards the fictional creature.

Weeee wooo weee wooooo ....

'I swear I heard a siren...'

It's not even ten minutes after (y/n) closed her eyes that she's forced to wake up upon hearing a siren. She won't get off from the bed though! It's too comfy.

'Maybe I misheard police siren. Back to sleep...'

(y/n) tuck inside her blanket once again, closing her eyes and staring at the curtains covering her bedroom window. "Hah... I really got spooked by a virtual monster... Imagine that." She hugs her pillow and try to close her eyes.

ع˖⁺ ⋆ ୭ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹

Thud thud

"WHAT IS THAT?!" (y/n) is just pissed right now. Her (e/c) eyes are too tired to even open properly. "It sounds like a hammer being pummeled! It's one in the morning come on!" She gets down from the bed and approached the window.

Opening the curtains, she lifts the glass frame up to poke her head outside. Bu what (y/n) see made her regret her decision.

Right in front of her, around ten to fifteen meters from her window, is a large and tall figure of a monster she just browsed today... Siren Head. He's silent, not making any noise except for the static noise coming out from the siren. Though the monster has no face, she can feel it facing her window.

"This isn't... This is impossible... This is- YOU'RE NOT REAL!"

The monster reached it's hand to (y/n)'s body, but she goes in and shut her window and curtains immediately, exiting her bedroom and running down the stairs to find her parents and siblings. But while going down the stairs, she is greeted by the same monster, standing like a tall tree, facing to (y/n)'s direction.

The eerie tornado siren the monster makes... (y/n) can feel his sharp fingers reaching her body, his large hand grabbing her torso and dragging her to him, so the monster can eat her alive...

ع˖⁺ ⋆ ୭ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹


(y/n) get up from her bed with her blood pumping and rushing like Usain Bolt. She's sweating despite having her air conditioner on. (y/n) look at he window to see faint light trying to come in, but blocked by the curtain. She get up and opens her window, looking outside to see the street doing just fine. The cars and motorcycles are passing through and people walking and waiting for the bus.

She exited her bedroom and go down the stairs to find her family members are up and wandering around the house, doing their usual activities. Reading a newspaper, or laying down on the sofa lazily and her mother and older brother cooking in the kitchen for breakfast.

"(y/n)! Just because today is Saturday means you can laze around!"

"Mama!" She looks down to her mother.

'She's alive...'

(y/n) look around.

'They are all alive... It was just a nightmare..'

・・・・・・★ To be Continued

I'll probably disappear for a year again after finishing this story

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I'll probably disappear for a year again after finishing this story.

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