8. Get Help!

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(y/n) refilled her water supply and changes her clothes, after eating breakfast at the Jonathan's house, she set off to the mountain. The fog is mostly gone since the last time she walks around the village. 'I can't believe I'm now responsible for what he's doing. He lured an entire village to the mountain? It reminds me of Tom's The Piper Son tale... Though I doubt he plays any pleasant music at all.'

She climbs the hill with her two feets, she can't hear anything coming from in the inside though. Maybe he's not playing anything on his siren to prevent anyone from locating him? 'I mean, we are in a village, where humans are. Now that he took the entire village with him, I'm sure the Government will notice what's going on and pinpoint our location... Damnit! We could have been safer if I wasn't whining about wanting to live under a roof or something!'

(y/n) can't help but to continue blaming herself for what happened to the villagers. Everything was normal until he arrived, right? She takes her fully charged phone out and start recording her surrounding, trying to get another video. (y/n) can see traces of the villagers and followed them. She found shoes, flip flops, jacket, scarf and many more items that could belong to them. They probably dropped it by accident, but it helps (y/n) to make her way there.

'I hope he hasn't killed them or anything...' She frown, her heart is beating fast at the bad thoughts that could happen to the villagers. They are innocent; they don't deserve to be dragged with her issue.

She eventually stopped when she stepped on something squishy under her feet. 'Ew! Is it poo?!' She look down to see... A human arm. Surprised, (y/n) take a step back and then grab the hand and pull the entire body out from the pile of bushes.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" (y/n) stopped her video recording to see a literal human there. "Oh my God! Are you alive?! Hey! I can see your chest moving!" She get on her knees, trying to shake the man so he can wake up, but he's not responding to her.

"What do I do?! What do I do?!" She get up and continue walking forward, only to see ten to twenty more people laying down on the ground with the same condition as the previous guy she found. "What's going on?! None of you are dead but why isn't anyone responding to me?!"

She tried shaking, playing loud music and even pulls and drop them on the ground to see if they respond, but they don't. Their lifeless eyes are staring into nothingness, it's like they have been hypnotized.

'Hypno... Hypnotize... Don't tell me that he-'

She discover even more bodies, some are laying down, some are sitting down and some moves around but it's mostly just rolling over here and there messily. (y/n) can't seem to find Siren Head anywhere too, could he be hiding since it's broad daylight?

'Nonono! He was there when I called the police at daytime too.' She takes out her phone again and finally got a three bars of signal after climbing up on a rock like a lion. She dialed 911 again, hoping it went through.

"911, what's your emergency?"

(y/n) smiled because the call went through. She keeps an eye around if she can see him coming. "Uh yeah, my name is (y/n) (l/n). I have been missing for two days now. Yesterday I dialed and gave my information."

"(y/n) (l/n) from (hometown) who went missing after going to the local forest?"

"Yes, that's me. I'm at a village which-I'm not sure if you can find me. My kidnapper took me here and the first thing I realized is everyone in this village is gone, I feel like playing a horror game because I can't find a single person here. The only person I can find is a little boy named Jonathan, who told me that the villagers one day just get up and went to the mountain altogether without saying anything, leaving him alone here."

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