Chapter 6

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     Sam and Rome had traveled for another three days. Only stopping for sleep when absolutely necessary and even then one of them would keep watch. Now in Terrasen they were only a few days out from Perranth. Low on food and supplies they decided to stop at a nearby town.

"How about we stay at an inn tonight, that way we can both get some decent sleep." Rome said while pulling out a bag of coins. "I'll go secure a room and you can go get some more food for the rest of the way to Perranth." She offered Sam a handful of coins but he politely declined. He still had his pay from the job for the Chief.

"I'll meet you back at the inn when I'm done it shouldn't take to long." She gave him a nod and they departed.

Sam kept his hood on and walked at a brisk pace but not fast enough to where he might draw attention. The gods only knew how many enemies Sam had and he wasn't in the mood to see any old friends. He made it to the market and got a crate of foods that could last the rest of the short trip to Perranth. He turned to leave but then heard his name a few feet behind him.

"Sam?" The girl's voice sounded so familiar but Sam couldn't quite place it.

He turned and she stumbled back barely breathing. He was sure he had never met this girl, but why did she seem so familiar?

"Do I know you?" he asked fully facing her now.

"Y-your suppose to be dead." She said taking a single step closer.

Sam gave a small laugh and said "Nope still alive, who are you?"

She rushed forward and grabbed his arm pulling him with a strength he didn't think such a small girl could contain. She dragged him into a small ally and shoved him into the wall.

"Who are you really? Because the Sam Cortland I knew died three years ago." She stood a few feet away hands on her hips.

"I don't know what your talking about but I'm pretty sure I would know if I had died three years ago." Sam turned to walk away. He had better things to do than argue with someone over his own death, which had never even happened.

She stepped closer blocking his exit. She had her hand on her belt where there was no doubt some kind of weapon. Sam stiffened and narrowed his eyes.

"As fun as this has been I have places to be, so move." He said the last word with more force than the rest. She just chuckled and stepped even closer.

"There are many things I can tolerate but shifting into my dead friend is not one of them. Who are you and who do you work for?"

Okay, who was this girl and why was she so convinced Sam was dead?

"Once again I am Sam Cortland and I am not dead. Now how about you tell me who you are so we can figure this all out." He gave his best friendly smile and held out his hand.

She shook it but a moment later threw him over her her shoulder slamming him into the ground. She held the blade from her belt to his neck and scanned his face.

He only smirked back at her. That was when things got really weird. The girls feature started to change merging together and becoming something different all at the same time. Sam blinked and staring back at him was the last person he'd thought he see in some dirty town like this.

"Lysandra!" He smiled and and she pushed the knife more forcefully into his neck. He gulped, his smile turning into a worried frown.

"Lysandra what are you doing put the knife down." she had tears in her eyes now.

She shook her head and said "Your not real. Your dead."

"Who said I was dead Lysandra. Who told you that?" Sam asked his eyes searching for any answers on her face.

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