Chapter 11

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Rome spit onto the floor. She wasn't surprised when it was red. She looked up between strands of loose hair at her captor. She felt a small sense of satisfaction at the sight of the jagged scar she had given him on his neck. This was his third visit in the last few hours. He would come in, slap her a few times, throw a punch or a kick then leave. No matter how many questions Rome screamed at him he hadn't said one word. She had learned fighting back was useless when she had tried to kick him and ended up with a broken ankle. Now crippled and still tied up Rome gazed into his eyes and he said the first words since she had woken up.

"You should have made sure I was dead." He snarled the words at her.

Her eyes widened. That was what he had to say? Rome felt a smile tug at her lips. Lord Lexington noticed her smirk and sent a swift kick to her rib. She heard a crack but couldn't stop the laugh that came cackling out of her. It was the most obvious thing she had ever heard. Of course she should have made sure he was dead. Her laughter turned to tears however a moment later as she thought of the events after the day in the Lords office. Discussing all the books she had read with Sam, playing with Rowan in the Oakland forest, meeting Lysandra and Elide. More tears spilled as she realized there was a slim chance she would ever see them again. There was no way the Lord would let her out alive. Not after what she had done to him. He spat at her with disgust muttering something about women and their feelings. He left a moment later locking the door behind him. She let sleep take her a few minutes later

Rome wasn't sure how much time had passed but when she awoke only a small amount of silver light was coming through the hole in the ceiling. It must be night then. She saw no sign of the Lord. No food or water either. She attempted to stand up but quit when she felt a pop in her ankle. She collapsed onto the floor her face slick with sweat. Rome scrunched her nose as she noticed an acidic smell in the air. Rome leaned her head back against the cold wall closing her eyes taking in the silence. She wondered if the others had made it to the castle. Hopefully Sam had reunited with Aelin. She was pulled out of her thought a moment later however as she heard a loud crashing noise and men shouting from above. Lord Lexington burst into the room seconds later breathing heavy smiling like a mad man.

"They are finally here." He whispered more to himself than her. But could it be. Could Sam have come for her?

"Who? Who is here?" Rome hissed at him. He turned back to her as if he had forgotten she was there.

His smile was nothing less than terrifying "Your friends of course." Rome was shocked. She had not actually expected them to come for her. Her blood suddenly felt cold as she remembered the smell from earlier.

"Why are you smiling? What did you do?" She was almost screaming now. The lord only laughed at her.

"I have lost everything. And now you will too." Rome began to fill with panic as men began filing in holding boxes.

"What's in the boxes?" She said dread seeping into her voice.

"A little present for you and your friends. Of course when it goes off I will be long gone." Goes off? Rome face fell slack. "Oh gods." She whispered to herself. That's what the smell had been, it was gas. And these were no doubt explosives. He was going to blow up the house. She had to get out of here and warn them. If she didn't act soon they would all be dead. The fighting upstairs had stopped and it was eerily quiet. She could only hope her friends were victorious.

Biting down on her scream she rose to her feet. The men had dropped off the boxes and left. She only had to deal with Lord Lexington. How she was going to manage that with a broken ankle and possibly a few broken ribs she had no idea. She just knew if she didn't get out here to warn them soon everyone she had left were going to be dead.

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