Chapter 5

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     Sam checked Rome's pulse for the tenth time as they traveled along the traders path out of Meah. He was still spooked by how dead she looked when she slept. She had been like this for a couple hours now, ever since she gave him that dazzling grin then slumped over. He had almost dove off the carriage to grab her and keep her in the seat. Now as they continued to travel past the older and more forgotten neighborhoods of Meah .he draped his hooded jacket over Rome's face in hopes that no one would notice her. Knowing how little she was allowed to leave the manor he didn't think it would be a problem but one could never be too safe. They had about one more hour before they would be out of the city. From there they would travel to Perranth then onto Orynth.

Sam looked behind him and noticed a smaller dark green and black carriage a few yards off from them. He had noticed them about half an hour ago at the same distance from them. He turned back to the front of the road and continued on. Once they left the city he'd check for the carriage again. If it continued to follow them out of Meah then he'd look into it.

By the time they made it to Meah's borders Rome was awake. They had shared a laugh when Sam had told her how she almost threw herself off of the carriage. Since then she had been quietly snacking on an apple and regaining her strength. They were a few minutes outside of Meah when the alarms sounded. Looks like the Lords body had been found. Sam glanced behind him and all exits out of the city were being blocked off if they had been a few minutes slower they wouldn't have made it out. He blew out a breath of relief and continued on. Luckily he also noticed that strange carriage had been stopped behind the city line. One less thing to worry about. With his thoughts now clearer he recalled the strange man who had attacked him a few nights back. He had never found out what happened to his body. Hopefully it was a random attack. But Sam knew better than to believe anything was a coincidence.

Before he could think on it anymore Rome turned to him and said "We need to stop, Rowan needs to go to the bathroom."

Sam gave her an incredulous look and she crossed her arms. He sighed as he slowed the horses to a stop. She hopped off holding Rowan in her arms and strutted into the woods beside him. He laughed to himself quietly and pulled out a book from his bag.


     Rome was glad to have Rowan as an excuse to have a moment to herself. She walked them both into the woods going far enough to where she was sure Sam couldn't see or hear her. She plopped Rowan down and let him do his business while she leaned on a tree and sobbed. She cried harder than she had ever let herself before. She wanted to be stronger than this but she has just lost the only parent figure she had left. And yes he was an awful man and a terrible father but still, she would allow herself a few minutes to get it all out then she would never mourn him again.

By the time she was done Rowan had already started back towards the carriage and to Sam. She was glad they were fond of each other it would make this trip a lot easier. She thought of what she would say when they made it to Orynth. She couldn't exactly walk up to the palace guard and say "Hi, I'm pretty sure I know the king because he's the last person my mother told me to seek out before she died." No she needed to talk to him without being brought to him in chains and someone claiming she was crazy. Sam had mentioned going to see the Queen of Terrasen. Hopefully he had a plan to get in. She felt kind of bad for lying to him about being able to get them an audience. But she had panicked when she had heard he was going to Orynth. Hopefully he wouldn't be too mad with her.

When she had gotten back to the carriage she saw Sam and Rowan waiting for her. She climbed onto the carriage and they were underway once again.


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