Chapter 8

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Rome was now stuck in a caged carriage headed to God knows where. And not only that but she had left her dog in a trash can. She ran her fingers through her hair and thought back to the awful encounter with the cook that got her caught. Rome had just entered the alley behind the cafe while Sam was inside distracting the guards. When suddenly the cook had come to take the trash out. He swung the door open knocking Rome to her knees. She scrambled up muttered her apologies and began to walk briskly away. Rowan was back in his arms however as the cook grabbed her shoulder swinging her around before she could get even two steps away. She tried to keep her head down but he grabbed her jaw tilting her head up to face him. His smile was nothing she had ever wanted to see again.

"Well if it isn't the little girl who's got a hefty sum of money for her head."

Rome snarled and pulled the dagger from her thigh raking it across his cheek as she turned to run. He hissed and lunged for her leg. He grabbed it and she went down Rowan being thrown from her arms as she did so. Luckily he had landed in a waste bin full of old rags. She clawed at the ground trying to get away from the grungy man but he was more than double her size. He pinned her hands behind her back and dragged her back into the cafe. As soon as she caught Sam's eye she choked down a laugh at the terror on his face. Despite being about to go to jail Rome couldn't deny it was quite satisfying to see him be so worried about her. She motioned her head back to the alley hoping he would understand and go get Rowan.

The cook began to talk to the guards obviously looking to collect his money. When he had mentioned his wound Sam gave her a pleased look sending butterflies to her stomach she winked back hoping to look more confident than she felt every time he looked at her like that.

The guards now came over and jerked her from the cook's grip. She felt a blush rise as Sam stiffened at the guards harsh pull. He was now moving towards her. Sam stumbled into the guards causing the smaller one to fall bringing her down with him. Sam crouched down to help her up and whispered into her ear.

"I'm not leaving without you." She felt a shiver go down her spine as his breath hit her ear. She allowed herself to smile then remembered the guards around her could not know she and Sam were traveling together. That would raise to many questions so she thought of the foulest curse she could say and spat it at Sam shoving him off of her as she said it. She was pulled away a moment later by the bigger guard but still heard the brutal kick the guard had given to Sam. Despite her best efforts she jerked her head around to see if he was okay and saw him laughing. That boy was an odd one.

She snapped out of the memory as they arrived at a lovely manor home. The nicest by far in the city. This must be where Elide and Lorcan Lochan live. She knew they had only taken residency recently as Elide's uncle was killed in the war. Still the stories of Lorcan were enough to send shivers down her spine. Hopefully she wouldn't find herself in his presence.

They ushered her into the house. She could see nothing however as they had flung a sack over head. She still counted her steps and tracked when they made left's or right's if it came down to making a run for it she could at least have some idea of where she had come in. After about fifteen minuted of walking she felt the air grow cooler as they stepped into an larger room. The voices of many people echoing off the walls. They all ceased to a hush however when she entered the room. They ripped the sack off and she sucked in a breath. Standing before her were none other than Elide and Lorcan Lochan. So much for avoiding those two.

She noticed Elides stare first. The kindness but unbroken resilience in her gaze. Then Lorcan who studied her stopping as her     eyes met his. His nostrils flared and his own eyes grew wide. His eyebrows shot up and he leaned over to Elide. He whispered something into her ear and she replied back in a tone that Rome could hear.

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