Chapter 7

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It took them about ten minutes to pack all their belongings and leave the inn. As they walked to the families house to get the carriage Sam told Rome and Lysandra about his brawl at the tavern.

"Are you hurt?" Rome asked noticing a slight limp on his left leg.

"Nothing I can't handle." He turned to her and winked.

He may have been able to put on a brave face now but as soon as they were on the road Rome would make sure to bandage every single scrape and cut she could find.

They made it to the carriage and began to pack the new food Sam had bought earlier. The sun was beginning to set which meant they would be travelling through the night. Not ideal but after hearing Sam's story Rome did not want to find out if those men had any more friends. Specifically friends looking for revenge.

Sam and Rome got on while Lysandra stayed on the stone path "What are you doing get in we need to go." Sam pressed. She gave him a dismissive wave.

"I will meet you in Orynth. I was here on a scouting mission and I must remain until I get the information I need." Sam stepped off the carriage and gave Lysandra a long hug.

"Don't die before I see you again, you hear me." Sam laughed. Lysandra leaned in and whispered something to him before she walked off into the night. Sam smiled brightly at whatever she had said and hopped on the carriage.

They left the small town just as the stars came out. Rome took the first watch while Sam got some rest. He had let her tend to his more vigorous wounds and fallen asleep as she finished wrapping his leg. She didn't mind riding at night. It was peaceful and luckily was Rowan was awake to keep her company. A few hours passed and Sam woke up from his nap.

"You look tired how about I take over." He reached for the reins but Rome scooted out of his grasps.

"No way you barely even slept." Rome replied as he raised his eyebrows

"I am a trained assassin I can function off a few hours of sleep." She wrinkled her nose and handed him the reins.

"You can steer but I'm not going to sleep." She huffed and Sam chuckled.

They rode in silence as Rome nibbled on some bread.

"Do you still love her?" Rome asked bracing her self for the answer. Sam turned toward her reading her eyes.

"Yes, but not in that way. I think a part of me will always love her even if I'm not in love with her." He gave her a warm smile.

"Have you ever been in love?" He asked turning back to the road.

She froze for a moment before continuing. "I thought I was, for a time. But when he died I wasn't his only lover to show up to his funeral." Sam winced. She looked at him and started laughing. His eyes went wide but he too was soon laughing with her.

She snorted which only made them laugh harder causing her to gasp for breath. She willed herself to calm down as Sam was still clutching his stomach still cackling. She looked over towards him and they locked eyes. Suddenly every thought she'd had about him since they met came over her all at once. Her face heated. She was grateful when Rowan a moment later started barking at the horses on front of them. Neither of them noticed the carriage about to head straight for a ditch.

She broke their stare. "Looks like you got a little distracted. You sure you don't need more sleep?" Rome taunted.

Sam blushed and turned back towards the horses. She chuckled to herself and closed her eyes for a moment. The next thing she knew she was dreaming of a man with green eyes. His white hair tickling her nose as her mother came up from behind him. She was being held by him while they whispered to each other. The whispering soon became arguing. A moment later the scene changed and Rome was fifteen yelling goodnight to her mother as she strode into bed. The last night she had spent in her childhood home. She woke in the same room she had the five years before but this time her mother wasn't there beside her. She was alone in the room with no windows or doors. She clawed at the walls which were suddenly moving. She scrambled back as all four walls began to close in on her. She could do nothing as they got closer and closer. With the air thinning she was finding it hard to stand. Suddenly the walls were close enough to touch her skin. She tried to take a breath but her chest was unable to breathe out. The pressure was becoming painful. Soon she would be squished. After a few more moments of unbearable pain she opened her eyes to Sam, who was shaking her frantically.

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