ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

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During Lunch I realized I had forgotten my milk outside and I went to go retrieve it. I bent over to grab it when I heard someone behind me. I quickly grabbed my milk and turned around. It was Gilbert.

"Oh um..Hello" I said awkwardly.

"Hey. I wanted to properly introduce myself to you. I'm Gilbert Blythe nice to meet you" he said taking my hand and laying a kiss on top of it. I started laughing and he had a quick chuckle, confused.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh" I say calming down, "I just have never been greeted like that before. I didn't expect you to do such a thing"

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize. I thought that was a common thing. I assumed that's what you wanted or expected from me" He apologized.

"No need to be sorry. It was cute regardless" I responded. We sat there in silence for a bit before I decided to say something again. "If you would like to, since I don't really have any friends here, would you like to come over after school? I'm sure my parents won't mind" I said looking him in the eyes.

"I can't. I have to help my father and do chores around the farm. Otherwise I would love to come with you. Least I could do is walk you home?" he said while his ears turned a shade of pink. I nodded, "I would quite enjoy you walking me home. I seemed to have gotten a bit lost getting here anyway" I then bowed my head then walked back inside to where my new friends were sitting. I was met with many glares and a crying Ruby.

"Oh my what happened? What did I miss?" I asked, worried, why Ruby was so upset. I went to go comfort her but Josie pulled her away into a hug.
"How dare you! I told you about the dibs and not to talk to Gilbert. You made Ruby so upset by what you did there there" she said as the other nodded in agreement. I turned to Anne and Diana who just sat there looking away awkwardly. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "But i didn't mean-" i was then interrupted by Josie for her to say "But since it is just your first day, we can forgive you this one time. But after this, if it happens again, I doubt we can forgive you" I still sat there dumbfounded by what scenario just went down. She wasn't going to stop me from being friends with anyone. But it was still such a strange thing that could have happened today. She then quickly changed the subject and talked about what they had for lunch and what they had planned for after school. I can honestly say that I was starting to get extremely sleepy and didn't listen to what most of them were saying. Considering that it was mostly about what they did to their hair and their dresses, maybe a tea party or two, it didn't peak my interest anyway. I started to look out the window and just stared there for what felt like hours. I realized that I had accidentally made direct eye contact with Billy. He smiled and waved at me from outside and started to head in. Soon he stood in front of me. I looked up at him in question.
"Hey Y/n. Can i ask you a question?" he said with a devious look on his face. I didn't know what was to come so I said "Sure what is it?" I really had never spoken to him since now so I have no idea what he could want. "Could I walk you home today?" He said with a light blush on his face. I sat there fro a second to process what he had just said to me. "I'm sorry maybe tomorrow? I have other plans today" i said in the most polite way i knew. He looked a little upset but just shrugged and walked off. I turned back to the girls and I was drowned in Ooo's and Ahh's and said this along the lines of "Maybe Billy likes you" and "You should have said yes!" but I couldn't risk them finding out that I was actually walking with Gilbert today. I'm sure it would start more drama. Plus it was still my first day and I still wanted to make some friends.

Over the rest of the day I met Charlie, Moody, and Cole. Out of the three Cole was by far my favorite. The way he conducted himself intrigued me. Almost the same as I felt towards Gilbert but a bit different. Cole was quite artistic and I loved that about him. We became friends that day and I looked forward to getting closer with him, Anne, and Diana. So all four of us were talking while we packed our things to go home. All smiling and laughing. As we walked out in twos, Anna with Diana, then Cole and I, someone was standing in the corner of my eye. I looked over and it was the one and only Gilbert Blythe waiting, leaning against a nearby tree. We made instant eye contact and I said goodbye to the three of them while making my way towards Gilbert.

"Greetings Mr. Blythe" I said with a smile. We link arms almost like it was a habit "Afternoon Ms. L/N" he responds as we begin in the direction of my house.


There is still more to come don't worry. 

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