ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞

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We get to Anne's and we are quickly greeted by Ms. Cuthbert before running upstairs. Giggling we get into Anne's room and try to think of a plan. As we are discussing Diana comes rushing in holding a bag. We hadn't even heard her coming in. "My mother gave me some old dresses for us to play in!" She said while spinning a beautiful dress in front of us. We started goofing off and Anne dressed as a boy and Cole as a girl. "Hehe..beautiful Princess Cole.." I thought to myself. While they played I decided I wanted a turn in pants as well. Though I had worn pants before, it was different than usual. I often wore pants at home but not while in front of people. But I had an odd amount of confidence in the moment. I then step to face Cole and bow. He then curtsies in response. We all laugh as Cole and I take each other's hands and start spinning around the room together. Laughing, none of us noticed Ms. Cuthbert coming into the room. She stood there almost starstruck, staring at us. She then quickly left the room leaving us in a fit of laughter. "Goodness, I bet she thinks we've gone mad!" I say holding my stomach. It had started hurting from how much I had been laughing. "She's probably stunned at the sight of a boy in a dress" Cole responded. "Of course she would be stunned! Though it's fun, it's not normal" Diana said back. We finished laughing and went back downstairs to get something to eat. We just ate something quick and then ran outside.

-Small Time Skip-

We had gotten into a conversation about growing up and I really didn't know what to say or do. Diana had already planned out her whole life and Anna has so many paths that she could take. I looked over at Cole who was talking about how he would probably have to work on his family's farm. His eyes were saddened when he started. "Well don't you want to become an artist? You're always drawing such beautiful things." I say to him. I know he loves art and I thought he had aspirations to be an artist. I know it was an assumption but I thought that he would talk about that. "Well of course I love it but I would never be able to make a living off of it. Also my family needs my help" He told me. I understand where he is coming from. Everyone in this town has a large amount of land that needs to be tended to every season. But I really thought that Cole would be more optimistic when it came to his dreams. But I guess he's a bit more realistic than the rest of us. "Well Y/N what do you think you're going to do?" Anne said leaning into me, anticipating my answer. "Umm...well I don't actually know. I know I want to go to college but I don't know what for...or even what to do after that" I say looking down at the ground. I had never really thought about what I wanted to do with my life. It was such a hard question to answer. I still have a couple years to think about it..but it was still kind of sad that they knew what they wanted and I'm just sitting over here with no plan at all. But it's no use getting sad over! "I do know someday I want to get married and have a few children. To whom..I don't know...but I want him to be my friend so that we can be actually happy together for the rest of our lives. Like my parents. They had been best friends since their school years then went through college together..in love for all those years..and as equals. I want to be happy like them and...give my children the life they deserve.....Sorry! That got a bit too serious!" I say putting a smile back on my face. "Oh no it's okay! It's understandable to want a nice life like that. It was actually quite nice to hear" Anne said to me with her classic smile. I just smile back at her then look at Diana and Cole. They all were smiling at one another. It was really nice to see them all happy. I really like having them as friends. But as I thought about them...I could only think of Gilbert. Which doesn't make much sense to me. But you know it is probably because he is my friend and I would want to share this great friendship moment with him. Yes...that would make sense...it's because he's my good friend.


Hey I'm sorry there hasn't been an update in a while. But here is a mini chapter while I work on more. If you didn't know I often will produce 4 chapters at a time for this book. So here is the small one to prepare for the other three or four

Amber <3

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