ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

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We started in the direction of my house. It was quiet for a while since we really had never interacted.

"So...where are you from?" He finally asks, "Oh I moved here from New York City...this is much different from what I'm used to.." we both chuckle for a second and make eye contact by accident. I find myself looking into his beautiful eyes for longer than I probably should have. He does the same and our pace starts to slow. I don't know what it was about him..but I felt like we had known each other for longer. I shook my head and we started walking faster again. We talked about every little thing you could think of. From simple small talk to what we wanted to do with our lives in the future. The walk seemed to take forever but in a good way. But we arrived at my house and I turned to say goodbye to him. Before I could even say anything he grabbed my hand one again and gave it a small kiss. "Have a good evening Ms. L/N" he said trying to be serious but struggling to hold back his mischievous laughter. I giggle back and say "Why thank you, and you too Mr. Blythe" he nods and starts to walk away while waving. I turn to go into my house when I hear him yell, "I'll walk you to school tomorrow?" I turn to yell "Of course" back and then smile while closing the door to my house. I put my books and my sweater down and I realized my mother was standing there. "Hello Darling. How was your first day" She asks while walking to get closer to me. I couldn't help but smile. "It was much more eventful than I had anticipated. I also made some real friends. I met this girl named Anne that helped me find my way to school. Oh! This boy named Cole. He is an artist and it is lovely the things he can do. Then....I met another boy named Gilbert" i paused for a second. "I assume that is the boy that walked you home?" she says to me with a smirk. "Yes he is...he is quite lovely. Would you mind if he came over someday? But I want Anne and Diana to come over soon as well. Would that be okay mother?" I said in an almost pleading way. She gave me a quick chuckle then nodded. I knew I was glowing with excitement and I ran to my room to celebrate my great first day. A sat down on my bed and looked down at my hands. My new life in Avonlea was starting off beautifully. I then went to my closet and went to pick out my outfit for tomorrow. I didn't know which dress I should wear so I just picked the first one that caught my eye. I laid it on the chair and straightened it. I then took the bow out of my hair and placed it on my dresser. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the door open. I knew it was my father coming home from work so I ran down stairs to greet him. I went up to him and gave him a hug.

"Well how was your day?" we said to each other. We both laughed. "Why don't you tell me how your first day went?" he said as he took off his hat. "Oh it was so much fun. Most everyone there is nice...well for the most part...But I also made some friends and they are certainly spectacular!" I said in excitement. He looked at me with a smile and I grinned back. My mother then called me to come help set up the table for dinner. My father came with me to also assist my mother. I think that our family is a bit different for others in the sense that my father and mother see each other as equals rather than the classic husband and wife dynamic. I think their relationship is remarkable compared to some that I've seen before. They grew up together and even traveled the world together before realizing they wanted to get married. They were best friends. I want to be able to find a love like theirs one day. I realized I was imagining Gilbert and quickly snapped out of it. 'Geez I've only known the boy for a day..' I think to myself. I shake the thought of ihm out of my head as my father hands me the silverware to put on each seat.

The dinner was lovely and my mother, father, and I just talked and laughed about every little thing. Then my father started to tell stories about his childhood as he collected the dishes in the sink. "Father you tell me this story all the time! I know that you were 'popular with the ladies' but I don't think it is quite relevant now!" Both my parents laugh at me. "Well how about I tell you about the time that you walked down stairs with your brother one day wearing his pants. You swore that you would only ever wear them from now on since 'dresses are too much'? Do you remember that? So you would run around in-" i quickly cut him off and said "Yes! I remember. I still stand by that statement. Pants are much more comfortable than a dress with a corset" turing my head and crossing my arms in the most dramatic way I could. The rest of the night we told stories and cleaned the house together. It was much more enjoyable than doing it in silence.

The next morning was just as great. We were all laughing with each other as my father made breakfast and my mother was sewing up a whole in a jacket. "Well darling, how about you tell us about that Gilbert boy you seem to like?" My father says to me with a wink. I blushed for a second then said to him "I've only known him for a day! I don't like him. He's just a very nice boy that wanted me to feel like I was welcome at the school. That's all" I say while putting my plate in the sink to wash. "Well if that were the case..why is there a boy standing outside our front door?" Pointing to the window. There he was. Gilbert Blythe. I saw him knock on the door and I quickly ran to it before either of my parents could. "Hi Gilbert! I'm sorry I'm not quite ready yet" I say to him. "Oh it's okay. I guess I am kind of early.." He said looking into my eyes with a smirk. "Well why don't you come in for a minute while I get my stuff. I don't want to keep you outside" I say gesturing for him to walk in. He does and walks straight into the dining room where my parents are. "Oh Hello! I'm sorry I came with no notice" Gilbert says to them. My parents look at each other then me and smile. "Oh it's no problem at all. You seem like a nice boy anyway. We have no problem with you coming here whenever you'd like" My mother says to him. Gilbert smiles back and nods. I finish grabbing my books and head back over to the door. "Well I'm ready to head out now. Goodbye!" I say as Gilbert and I go out to walk to school.

"I'm sorry about them. I don't think anyone knew what to say..." To tell him apologetically.

"No it's really alright. I just wanted to come see you..I was going to have to meet your parents at some point in time right?" He said nudging me with a grin, plastered on his face. I just shake my head and smile at him. "Well anyway..how was the rest of your night?" I say. I then felt our hands brush together a couple times. "Oh it was nice. My father and I had a lovely dinner together for the first time in a while..since he's sick and all...he doesn't leave the bed too often" He told me while grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. We both blush at the bold move but we don't say anything about it. "Oh well if you guys need anything feel free to ask us. I'm sure my family wouldn't mind at all if you needed assistance in any form" I tell him looking up at him. "I really appreciate that." He told me sweetly looking into my eyes. I felt butterflies in my stomach from the way he looked at me. I quickly turn away and he giggles at my reaction.

I start to see the school in the distance and see the students outside. I take my hand away from Gilbert's to not want any reaction from Ruby or Josie. He knew he was confused but I'll explain it to him later. Before I could even think he plants a kiss on my cheek and runs off to go with the other guys, Luckily no one saw it or we would both be rampaged with questions.

"Today should be a good day" I say quietly to myself taking a deep breath. I ran to Anne, Diana, and Cole. They wave and I smile at them. 'Yep. Today will me great' 

- New Love -  Gilbert Blythe x Reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now