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Bright is mid-yawn when Tay claps a hand on his shoulder in the locker room. "Ready to get your T.O. game face on?" he asks, his voice much too loud for this time of day.

Bright winces. "Rookies?" he questions with clear irritation. This is the last thing he needs today. He got a total of five hours of sleep the night before.

"Bright-eyed and Adorable," Off says, chuckling as he exits the locker room.

Bright inwardly groans the entire way to parade, walking as slowly as physically possible. He stopped to get some coffee and then found himself sliding into the back of the room, leaning against the wall.

Boun is in the middle of speaking when he sends a nod in Bright's direction, as if to say thanks for showing up. Bright frowns apologetically and Boun continues on as if nothing happened.

"And, we've got our rookies on today! Welcome to Bangkok division, guys. Gun, you're with Off, New, you're with Tay. Drake and Frank, you'll be riding the desk and Metawin, you'll be with Bright."

Bright looks to the front of the room, waiting for his rookie to come find him, and literally has to rub his eyes to make sure he's seeing correctly. Win turns around, eyes wide, staring at him. He watches as the rookie beside him nudges him forward. Win jumps, turning to his friend and shooting him a look before heading toward Bright. He feigns boredom when he reaches him.

"Metawin, I presume?" he questions and he nods. "Of course," he mutters and he shoots him a glare. He sighs. "Follow me," he says carelessly, turning around.

He hates that Win somehow makes the uniform look really good and how adorable he looks when he's nervous. He swallows all these feelings immediately, of course, just like he's been trying to for the past month and a half. He can lie to himself all he wants but something about Win got to him. He'd been replaying their short date over and over again in his head for weeks now.

When they make it out to his squad car, he gives his usual speech. "I did not ask to train a rookie, I did not ask to have a partner. I am not your boyfriend. I will not be holding your hand. This shouldn't be a problem for us, of course, since you're not my type and you don't date cops."

Win frowns and jumps into the passenger seat, mumbling something under his breath. Bright smirks because as awkward as this is, he feels like he can have a lot of fun with this.

"You don't have to be so mean, you know," he bites out as he starts his car and pulls out of the station. "I'm nervous enough, honestly, and I don't need my T.O. hating me right off the bat."

He rolls his eyes. "Cool the dramatics, Metawin. I don't hate you. I sort of hate my sister for setting us up to begin with though."

Win groans, sending Bright an icy glare, immediately going into protective mode over his sister. "Be nice. She had good intentions," he scolds in a way that honestly reminds him of Rachel.

"There was about a zero percent chance of that date ending well," Bright says as he pulls up to a red light. "She clearly hates me," he says. He doesn't really mean it, of course, but knows that his comments will get under Win's skin. He glances his way to find him glaring at the road in front of him, brows furrowed. Immediately, he sighs, deciding to go easier on the rookie.

"God, could you stop being such a guy for the love of god. Sorry your ego can't handle rejection but there's no need to be rude," he almost shouts, and Bright is surprised that his first reaction is to smile. Instead, he rolls his eyes and they spend the rest of the drive in silence.

Win saves his ass that day. He handles a hostile situation incredibly well for a rookie and he's filled with pride over it. He can't deny that he is obviously going to make a great cop. It doesn't change their situation. Actually, if anything, it makes his situation worse because he's only falling deeper and deeper under this spell Win seems to have put on him.

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