Love interest and thing you should know.

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Name: Y/N Higurashi 

Age: 15

Hair: black

Eyes: brown 

Hair: long (sorry for those who would want short hair but in this story you going to have long hair again sorry also your hair is as long as kiko BTW kiko and kikyo have the same hair length.)

Race: Human

Height: 5'5

Weight: 47.6 kg

Family: Grandpa Higurashi (alive), Mr. Higurashi (deceased), Ms. Higurashi (alive, mother), Kagome Higurashi (alive, twin sister), Sato Higurashi (alive),  Alex Fukuoka (alive, friend also #12), Luka Da Luz (alive, friend), Emilia kato (alive, friend), Sebastian Michaelis (alive, pet 'crow'), Yuki (alive, pet nine tail fox).

Personality: Kind, sassy, emotionless, rude, smart, lazy, sleepy, mean (only to the enemies sorta), calm, hits kagome on the head not to hard tho just to tell her to shut up or stop overreacting over something. When kagome is to mean to inuyasha by something stupid like when she's jealous of someone later on in the story you yell at her and your scary side shows you hit her in the head that a bump shows. Cold towards her twin but is nice to her time to time. Childish when you don't get what you want.

Loves: animals, cute things, fluffy things, knifes, guns,  motorcycle, weapons, candy, chocolate, cake,  children, cooking, singing, dancing, drawing, making/building something, friends, the gang, inuyasha ears and sword, sleeping, anime, fan faction, food, cloud watching, phone, Sebastian (pet 'crow'), shiny things, bed, rain, snow, Yuki.

Hate: people that hurt your lover ones, uses you or your family and friends, doesn't really like annoying people, people that are family and hurt each other that even what each other dead (cause for you a family is important and if you have like one family member and you want them dead that saddens you cause your then all alone and have no family left to be their for you if they are dead and if you kill them you have to live with the guilt for the rest of your life.), perverts, alarm clock cause you have to wake up for school early, when your favorite anime character(s) dies in the anime you lock yourself in your room for a whole month crying and not letting anyone in the room that whole month, when the anime doesn't have anymore episodes and leaves you their wondering what going to haven next or is you ship going to shell or not, homework, loud people when your tried or want to sleep, leaving your bed, birthday, people that hurt Sebastian or Yuki.

                                                               OK now to know you Love interest!

Before we get started you will also choose any one else that you wish to be a love interest as well that is not on here I don't care if you also want females love interest in this story just tell me and I will add them in another page so then you can see so has been a new love interest I will still show the ones that were already a love interest. Well enough talking(?) On to your love interest!









                                                      Other characters that may be a love interest



Hojo (??)

older Kohaku (??) (Idk even know no more also if you want kohaku with rin but rin older this is your option)

This is all the name that may be also a love interest you can comment if you will like to add someone that is not named also the name I up those are your option if you want them to be a love interest they don't have to be if you don't want to. Also if you the reader would like if I was one of your friends as well in this story if not am ok with that and my grammar or spelling may be bad but I try my best if their is anything I have to fix when I start the fist chapter am ok with you correcting me. Also I have this story on quotev already bye I will publish in a few minutes bye.

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