Chapter Six - Uruk-Hai

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A gentle hand rested on Adriel's shoulder as she watched the bays clear, water gently swaying. She turned to see her grandmother. Adriel bowed her head slightly upon seeing her.

"They will hunt you until they have captured or killed you. I have foreseen it," Galadriel whispered hastily as she pulled Adriel to look towards her. Adriel knew she spoke of Saruman's servants. Adriel chewed nervously on the inside of her cheek as she turned to watch the rest of the Fellowship start to load their packs into the three boats that floated in front of where the pair stood. Adriel simply nodded and smiled up at her.

"I know," Adriel said quietly, "I have made a vow to protect this Fellowship, I cannot fail them again." Her grip tightened on Adriel. Galadriel sighed and let out a breathy chuckle.

"I know that your drive does not come completely for the Fellowship," she murmured as she looked deep into Adriel's eyes. Adriel sighed and glanced back to where Legolas was talking to Merry and Pippin. "You can succeed but you will have to fight harder than you ever have," Galadriel spoke softly as she pushed something into Adriel's hands. The Witch looked down to see a small black sphere shaped crystal that was wrapped in small, intricate golden wires. A small burst of power seemed to rush through Adriel's body as the cool stone sat in her palm. Flashes of battle crossed Adriel's vision as she touched the stone. She could see a short woman with long brunette hair standing beside Elrond, she held a shining silver sword with a hilt in the shape of a mountain. She stood in front of a small army of men and women, her bright honey coloured eyes seemed to shine in contrast to her dark surroundings.

"My mother's?" Adriel asked as she pulled herself from the images the stone projected. Adriel looked back into Galadriel's deep blue eyes, the Elf nodded.

"She was a very powerful Witch, when their king fell to the dark lord she rose to protect her people. Much was lost, after they had been scattered, the magic users of Middle-Earth were hunted down and slaughtered by Sauron's followers," her breath wavered as she continued to speak, "she led the last of her people against him alongside the Elves and men. She had fought the Witch king himself, nearly killing him. He cursed all of the spellcasters to be weak for betraying him before retreating from their wrath, this crystal was a symbol of retaliation that all of the free Witches wore. It holds your people's history." Adriel slipped the necklace over her head and quickly pushed the stone under her tunic. The gold chain was cold against her skin but burned against her scar.

"Thank you," Adriel whispered as she bowed her head. Galadriel placed her hand on Adriel's cheek and gave her a soft smile.

"Farewell, Leithriel," she said quietly before she turned to the rest of the Fellowship. Adriel quickly placed her small pack in a boat before moving to stand next to Legolas, who held a new bow and arrows. He smiled over to Adriel happily, she returned his smile before watching as the rest of the Fellowship received gifts from Galadriel.

Gimli stumbled into the boat behind Adriel, causing it to almost flip. She turned to look at the ungraceful dwarf who now lay on his back in the middle of the boat. A loud laugh escaped from between the Witch's lips as she bent down to help him up, Gimli grumbled as he smacked her hands away as he struggled to get onto the small bench. Adriel sat down beside Gimli as Legolas pushed the boat off of Lothlorien's shore before quickly jumping in himself. Adriel passed the blonde elf a smooth white paddle as they started to drift farther away from the land.

"Thank you nin mel," Legolas said in a sweet tone. Adriel smiled happily up at him before turning to look up the river. She admired the tall trees that stood on the wide, clear banks of Anduin. The sky was painted orange and pink with the early morning sunlight, thin wisps of cloud moved quickly overhead in the soft breeze. Gimli sighed from beside her, she looked over to the dwarf who seemed to be starstruck. Questioningly Adriel raised an eyebrow, he turned to face her and grinned wildly.

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