Chapter 2: Betrayal

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The cold, salty water had already closed over Sai-Rin's head before she could even process what had happened. As she fought her way to the surface, one thought screamed in her mind: "He lied to me. Adrian lied to me!" Sai-Rin's lungs ached as she finally managed to get a small breath of air before the waves crashed down onto her, forcing her back underwater. With every wave, she felt herself getting pulled farther away from the safety of dry land. Where was everyone? Where was Chloe?

Sophie? Adrian? Where were the ones Sai-Rin had called her friends? Sai-Rin's head broke the surface a second time, and she looked up at her three friends, terrified. "H-Help me!" she cried, coughing and choking as water rushed into her mouth. They just stood there, watching with straight faces.

Even Adrian's warm brown eyes seemed to glare icy daggers into her. Sai-Rin's arms and legs were getting cramped up and tired from struggling against the water. She couldn't hold her breath any longer. Finally, she gave up and let the ocean into her lungs. Some say that when you drown, there's a moment of peace before you black out. All Sai-Rin felt in her dying moments was everlasting pain as she went limp.

The last sensation her body felt was her back softly hitting the ocean floor.


~??? POV~

Well, another extermination come and gone. I walk out to the balcony and shoot off the fireworks that give everyone the message that it's safe now. Everyone comes out of their hiding spots, the clock resets, and everything is back to normal in Pentagram City. Well, I guess you could call it normal if you were actually there. In all my time here, I've seen a lot of sinners arrive. Killers, drug dealers, and other scum of the earth made their home here in Hell.

I hope this hotel project works, because I don't know what I'll do if it fails.

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