Chapter 23: How Could You?

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Alastor laid down on the couch, blankly staring up at the hotel's ceiling as the rest of last night's hangover slowly disappeared. That is, until a voice snapped him out of his silence. "Alastor?" He looked up to see Sai-Rin staring down at him, an almost pitiful look on her face. "Sai-Rin, I-" Sai-Rin put a finger over Alastor's mouth, silencing him.

"Follow me." she said, taking Alastor's wrist and leading him upstairs. "Where are we going?" he asked. Sai-Rin's turned around in what looked like annoyance. "Don't talk. Just don't." Alastor complied, not making a sound until they arrived at...Alastor's room? "Why are we at my room, Dear?" Alastor asked.

Sai-Rin's whirled around, grabbed Alastor by the bow tie, and yanked him down so they were at eye level. "Don't you ever call me that again, got it?!" Alastor was shocked at Sai-Rin for snapping at him, but he nodded his head. Sai-Rin let go and went into Alastor's room, its occupant following close by. "Stand over there, Al." Sai-Rin said, pointing to a spot in the middle of the room. Alastor did as she asked, nervously tugging at the cuffs of his jacket sleeves.

Finally, Alastor got the courage to speak up, since it had been quiet for a while. "Sai-Rin, what's wrong?" Sai-Rin's face was devoid of any emotion as she looked at Alastor. "I'm gonna lose my temper." she muttered. Alastor's ears went down a bit in nervousness. "When?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Right now." Sai-Rin growled, putting her hands together and forming a large bubble of water. Alastor's eyes widened. "S-Sai-Rin, what are you doing?!" Sai-Rin didn't answer as the water bubble kept getting bigger. Alastor tried to run away, but found that his feet were stuck to the floor, as if he'd been cemented there. Shortly after, Alastor felt a shock of cold as the water bubble was thrown at him, engulfing him up to his waist.

"Darling, please stop! I'm sorry!" Alastor stammered, dread filling his mind as he felt the water slowly making its way up his chest. "Why did you do it?!" Sai-Rin yelled, tears running down her cheeks. "How could you, Alastor?! I loved you!" Alastor's mind raced as he tried to calm himself down and think about his next words. "I...I..." He couldn't think of anything.

There was absolutely no excuse for what he'd done. "P-Please don't do this...!" Alastor whimpered, feeling the water bubble move up to his throat. Sai-Rin looked at him with no remorse. "Why shouldn't I? You know deep down that you deserve this pain, Alastor." Alastor frantically pressed his hands against the sides of the bubble, trying to break out of it as the water came up to his chin. "You won't d-do it, Sai-Rin..." Alastor gasped as he stopped struggling.

"You don't have it in your-" Alastor's sentence turned to gurgles as the water quickly rose over his head, giving him barely any time to take a breath. Sai-Rin's hands twitched slightly. Could she really do this? Alastor's eyes were wide with fear, and he desperately tried to keep in what little air he had left. Sai-Rin's heart started pounding, and she began to shake.

Not with anger, but with fear. What was she doing?! Sai-Rin gasped in horror as she saw Alastor finally hit the break point and start to breathe in. That was it. She stopped using her powers, which caused the bubble to burst. Sai-Rin rushed over and knelt by Alastor's side as he fell on his hands and knees, coughing up water and gasping for air.

"Oh my God, what have I done?!" Sai-Rin cried, hugging her arms as Alastor finally caught his breath and sat down, wringing water out of his drenched jacket. "No no. I deserved it, after all. You said so yourself." he muttered, drying off his monocle and putting it back on his face. "I COULD HAVE KILLED YOU, ALASTOR!" Sai-Rin yelled, grabbing onto the front of Alastor's jacket and pressing her face into his chest. "R-Remember what I did to A-Adrian?" she mumbled through tears of regret. Alastor scoffed. "What he did was nothing compared to the pain I put you through..."

Sai-Rin looked up at Alastor, brushing her bangs out of her eyes. "Adrian killed me, Alastor. You cheated on me. He deserved it more than you did." Before Alastor knew what he was doing, he wrapped his arms around Sai-Rin and held her tight. "I know I did, and it was the worst mistake I've ever made in life or death. And that furball definitely deserved punishment for betraying you." Alastor took Sai-Rin's chin in his hand and tilted her head up. "What will it take for you to forgive me, Dear?"

Sai-Rin sighed. "Promise you'll love me every day?" Alastor nodded. "Every waking moment." Sai-Rin cupped Alastor's face in her hands. "All I ask is that you be completely honest when you say this."

Alastor lowered his eyelids halfway, his crimson eyes glowing. "I swear, Sai-Rin. From this day forth, you'll get nothing but love from me." He pulled Sai-Rin into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. "How much love?" Sai-Rin asked, her voice a whisper as their faces were centimeters apart. Alastor leaned down and whispered against her lips. "So much love, you'll drown in it."

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