Chapter 8: A Lesson In Trust

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Alastor and Sai-Rin's friendship became closer after the day before. Today was a particularly warm day, which was saying something, since it was Hell. Charlie proposed a short lake vacation for the day, which everyone agreed with. Well, almost everyone. "I'm not going, and you can't make me." Sai-Rin said, crossing her arms and pouting like a child. Angel tried convincing her, saying it would be fun.

That earned him a slap in the face from Sai-Rin's tail. "Come on, Dear. I promise you'll have a good time." Alastor said, kneeling down and taking one of Sai-Rin's hands. Sai-Rin thought for a moment. Letting a "friend" talk her into something was the last mistake of her life. But this was Alastor. He'd proven himself a loyal friend to Sai-Rin.

She couldn't see any reason not to take his word for it. "Ok, I'll go." she finally said. Alastor chuckled warmly. "I knew I could talk you into it!" Sai-Rin's face suddenly displayed a look of nervousness. Where had she heard those words before?

Soon enough, everyone had gotten their swimsuits on and headed down to a nearby lake. Charlie was the most enthusiastic of the group. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" she cheered, running off toward the water. The others happily followed, splashing around in the shallows. Sai-Rin was content with just sitting on the shore, watching the others have their fun. The only other demon not in the water was Angel, who was wearing a pastel pink bikini with heart shaped sunglasses.

"Why aren't you having fun with everyone else, Angel?" Sai-Rin asked the pink and white spider. "Eh, never really looked good with wet fluff." he replied. "What about you?" Sai-Rin opened her mouth to respond, but decided against it. "P-Personal reasons." she said simply. Angel lifted an eyebrow.

"Wanna talk about it, Sugar?" he asked. Sai-Rin shook her head no. Angel's face showed slight concern, but he decided not to push the matter. He'd already been tail slapped once today. "Come along, Sai-Rin! The water's just perfect!" Alastor said cheerfully, brushing his damp red bangs out of his face. Sai-Rin turned her eyes down, not meeting his gaze.

"I don't want to, Alastor." Alastor knelt down in front of Sai-Rin. "Is something wrong, Dear?" he asked, gently taking her chin and turning her head to face him. Sai-Rin brushed her bangs out of her face, showing her eyes, which were glossed over with tears. Alastor's smile disappeared for a moment, then he laid a hand on her cheek. Sai-Rin leaned into the touch, closing her eyes.

"You can tell me, Sai-Rin." he said softly. Sai-Rin looked around, as if to check if nobody was listening, then leaned in to whisper in his ear. "I...." she began, before she heard Husk yell from the water, "SHE CAN'T SWIM, AL! DON'T EVEN BOTHER TRYING!" Sai-Rin groaned, feeling her face heat up in embarrassment. "Thanks a lot, KittyBoy!" she yelled back.

"You might as well go on 666 News and announce it to all of Hell!" Husk grumbled upon hearing the nickname Sai-Rin had given him, which he hated. Alastor put an arm around her shoulder. "It's ok, Darling." he said, softly looking into Sai-Rin's turquoise eyes. "We all have our dirty little secrets." Sai-Rin looked at Alastor, feeling ashamed.

Alastor patted her head. "Smile, Dear. It's what suits you best, and you're never fully dressed without one!" Sai-Rin giggled, pressing her hands against her heated cheeks. Suddenly, she felt herself getting picked up. "A-Alastor, what are you doing?" Sai-Rin asked nervously. "Trust me, Dear." Alastor replied.

Sai-Rin wrapped her arms around Alastor's neck in a death grip as she realized where Alastor was taking her. "H-Heh, real funny, Alastor." she chuckled, trying to squirm out of Alastor's arms. "O-Ok, I wanna go home now." Sai-Rin whimpered, feeling her heartbeat race as she started hyperventilating. Alastor comfortingly rubbed her back. "It'll be ok, Sai-Rin. You'll just have to have faith in me." Sai-Rin tensed up as Alastor started walking into the water.

"A-Alastor, stop!" she yelled. Alastor looked at Sai-Rin, holding her tighter. "You'll be fine, Darling. I won't let anything happen to you. I'll hold onto you the whole time, ok?" Sai-Rin shook with terror as she recognized the same words Adrian had said to her before betraying her. "Alastor, stop it! I'm scared!" Sai-Rin said, starting to cry. Alastor sat down near the shore, holding Sai-Rin in his arms.

"It's ok, Sai-Rin. I'm right here." he said as the water washed gently over Sai-Rin's tail. Sai-Rin relaxed in Alastor's embrace, calming down as he continued to whisper to her comfortingly. By the time she had fully calmed down, she realized that Alastor had been slowly moving farther out into the water. Sai-Rin wrapped her arms around Alastor's middle, taking deep breaths. Alastor soothingly petted her hair. "See? Not so bad now, right?" he cooed.

Sai-Rin shook her head. Alastor grinned, resting his chin on top of Sai-Rin's head. Sai-Rin looked up at Alastor. "Ok....I'm ready." she said, her voice soft but firm. Alastor looked back at her. "Ok, Sai-Rin. But remember, once we decide to do this, there's no going back."

Sai-Rin's eyes shone with courage. "I trust you, Alastor." she said. Alastor smiled, picking her up again and starting to walk deeper into the water. "Now, I don't know much about mermaids, but I do know that they swim more like fish than humans." Alastor said as Sai-Rin felt the water brushing the tip of her tail fins. Being in Hell, the water was pleasantly warm. "So, you'll have to put your whole body into it. Got that, Darling?" Alastor asked.

Sai-Rin nodded. "We're in fairly shallow water, but you'll have to start swimming immediately after I put you down." Alastor warned. Sai-Rin froze up for a bit. "P-Please don't let me go..." she begged. Alastor smiled encouragingly at her. "I'll be right there the whole time, I promise."

Sai-Rin relaxed again. "Ready, Sai-Rin?" Alastor asked. Sai-Rin nodded. "Let's just get this over with..." Alastor nodded, slowly lowering Sai-Rin into the water. Sai-Rin cringed a bit at the water touching her, but then relaxed.

It was somewhat comforting to be in warm water. She was so calm, she almost didn't realize that Alastor was slowly letting go of her. Immediately, she started moving her tail up and down, and was surprised to find herself moving. "A-Alastor, I'm doing it!" Sai-Rin said gleefully. Alastor grinned widely. "You're doing swell, Dear!" he said, his red eyes gleaming with pride.

Sai-Rin swam around for a bit, going deeper out into the water before unintentionally diving under. Being completely submerged made Sai-Rin freeze up and remember what happened before. She saw the blue ocean below her, felt Adrian's hand slip away from hers, and the pain of surrendering her life to the sea. Sai-Rin gripped her head in her hands, screaming for a moment before remembering she was underwater. Thinking quickly and preserving her remaining oxygen, she flipped her tail and began to swim to the surface. Sai-Rin looked up to see Alastor swimming down to her, wrapping his arms around her, and pulling her up to the surface and back to the shore.

"Are you ok, Sai-Rin?" he gasped once he'd gotten her in the shallows. "You gave me a scare." Sai-Rin pushed her bangs out of her face. "I'm ok, Alastor. caught up in the moment." Alastor's smile faltered for a moment, before he took Sai-Rin's face in his hands. "Don't frighten me like that, Darling." he whispered, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"I thought you were drowning." Sai-Rin blushed at how close he was. Before she even knew what she was doing, Sai-Rin pressed her lips against each of Alastor's cheeks. Alastor fell back on the sand in surprise, running his fingers through Sai-Rin's hair as Sai-Rin continued to kiss him all over his face. Sai-Rin stopped kissing Alastor for a bit, gazing into his eyes. "Heh...well, that was unexpected..." she whispered.

Alastor chuckled softly. "And how, my dear." "Hey, c'mon you two! It's time to go!" Angel yelled, already starting to walk back to the limo. He'd spent so long in the sun that he looked like a toasted marshmallow(You can't tell me Angel DOESN'T look like a toasted marshmallow after sunbathing). Alastor looked at Sai-Rin, his cheeks still lightly dusted with blush. "I suppose it's time for us to head back home."

And How = I definitely agree with what you just said!

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