Chapter 19: An Unpleasant Reunion

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The hotel lobby was completely silent, except for the sound of everyone doing their own thing. Charlie and Vaggie were cuddling on the couch, Angel was enjoying a drink with Husk at the bar, Niffty was dusting every nook and cranny, Alastor was laying across an armchair reading a book, Baxter was, like always, locked away in his laboratory working, and Sai-Rin was sitting in her bucket next to Alastor's chair, her tail fins lazily swaying up and down as she gazed at a small glass bottle in her hand, filled with a nearly transparent blue liquid. This was the serum that would allow Sai-Rin to switch between a tail and legs. Yes, all was well in the Hazbin Hotel. Well, for a short time. A knock at the door broke the peaceful silence.

Alastor's ears, which were once calmly drooped, now stood up in surprise. "Now, who could that be at this hour?" Alastor inquired as he put a bookmark into his book and peered out the window at the night sky. "I don't know, but it's probably someone who wants to be redeemed!" Charlie replied, hopping off the couch and opening the door. However, she barely had time to greet the person at the door before they walked right past her. Sai-Rin now got a good look at the strange new demon. He was a fennec fox with light blonde fur that faded to white, and wearing a tan leather jacket over a white collared shirt.

Both articles of clothing were covered in ash and burn marks. Then, Sai-Rin noticed his eyes. They were a light caramel brown. Sai-Rin realized in horror who this new demon was. "A-Alastor..." she whispered, tugging on Alastor's jacket with urgency. Alastor picked up Sai-Rin and laid her on his chest, not minding the growing wet spot on his clothes.

"What's wrong, my D-" Alastor was cut off by a voice, no doubt belonging to the fox demon. "Where is she? I was told she'd be-" He stopped talking as his eyes landed on Sai-Rin. He blinked in surprise and walked swiftly over to her. "S-Sai-Rin...Is it really you?" he asked, brushing Sai-Rin's bangs out of her eyes.

Sai-Rin flinched at his touch, but felt calmer as she felt Alastor's arms around her waist. Mustering up her courage, she looked back at the fox demon. "Well well, look who it is." she said, sarcasm in her voice. "I wonder what someone like you could've done to end up in a place like this, Adrian." Adrian let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head. "C'mon, Babe. Let's not dwell on the past."

He reached out to take Sai-Rin's hand, but Alastor caught him by the wrist. "Who exactly are you, and why are you speaking to my Darling that way?" he asked, his eyes glowing red as he glared at Adrian. Sai-Rin looked bitterly at Adrian. "Alastor, allow me to formally introduce you to the heartless bastard who killed me." Alastor's eyes narrowed, his smile disappearing completely as his face darkened and his antlers grew like miniature trees. "Ah, so you're the one." Alastor growled, getting up from the armchair and towering over Adrian.

Adrian gulped, his brown eyes widening in shock and fear as Alastor's hand moved from his wrist to the front of his shirt. "Are you proud of what you did? How much pain you put my Little Love through?" Alastor seethed, static growing louder in his voice as his eyes turned to radio dials and a hot pink 'x' appeared on his forehead. "Did it EVER occur to you that the girl you threw into the ocean couldn't swim to save her own life?!" Alastor yelled, before feeling Sai-Rin's hand against his arm. In an instant, his face went back to normal. "Let me handle this, Love." Sai-Rin said, uncorking the bottle in her hand and drinking the contents in a single gulp. In a few moments, her tail turned to human legs, and she stood in front of Adrian.

"C'mon, Adrian. Let's sit down and talk." Sai-Rin said, sitting down on the floor beside her water bucket. Adrian sat down, his head slightly lowered. "I missed you, ya know..." he mumbled. "Really?" Sai-Rin said in an unamused tone. Adrian nodded. "So, how'd it all end?" Sai-Rin asked, not really interested.

Adrian sighed, tugging at the collar of his shirt. "I got stupid drunk and took my dad's car out. Crashed it into a telephone pole and it went up in flames. I died from the burns rather than the impact." Adrian's large ears drooped, as if saddened by the memory. Sai-Rin's face showed no pity. "If you expect me to feel sorry for you, you've got another thing coming." Adrian looked at Sai-Rin, his eyes now filling up with tears.

"I'm sorry, Babe! What I did to you was unforgivable, and I regretted it for the rest of my life!" he yelled. Sai-Rin's eyes narrowed. "First of all, don't EVER call me Babe. Second of all, You didn't regret shit!" Adrian started to scoot back from Sai-Rin, but she quickly grabbed onto the front of his shirt, pulling him back to her. "I saw the look in your eyes! You knew damn well what you were doing!" Sai-Rin's voice rose to a scream.

"I WAS DYING SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY, AND YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO SAVE ME! I TRUSTED YOU!" Sai-Rin took a few deep breaths, calming herself down before looking back to Adrian. Her hands quickly grabbed onto the back of Adrian's neck, and she began dragging him forward to the water bucket. "D-Darling, what are you doing?" Alastor asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice. Sai-Rin looked at Alastor and gave him a sweet smile as she rested her other hand against Adrian's back. "Alastor, be a doll and help me out."

Alastor's grin widened as he caught on. "With pleasure, Darling.~" he said, snapping his fingers and causing a black tentacle to wrap around Adrian's wrists, tying them behind his back. "S-Sai-Rin, wait! Let's t-talk about this!" Adrian stammered as he felt his head being pushed down. "Please don't do this!" Adrian's eyes were filled with fear. Sai-Rin's mouth broke out in a sadistic smile.

"Have a drink, Adrian!" she growled before shoving Adrian's face into the water filled bucket. Adrian's attempts to struggle against Sai-Rin's grip only tired him out more. Sai-Rin tried to ignore the same sickening gurgles that came from her when she suffered the same fate. Eventually, Adrian's struggles grew weaker, and Sai-Rin felt him jerk in her grasp as he finally breathed in water and went still. Sai-Rin's smile didn't leave her face as she brought her knees up to her chest and gripped her head in her hands. Alastor sat down next to her.

"Well, that was quite the show, my Dear." he said enthusiastically, wrapping an arm around Sai-Rin's shoulder. "I'd say he got exactly what he deserved." Sai-Rin nodded, turning to Alastor with a wide grin and crazed eyes. "Y-Yeah...that felt good!" she panted, pulling Alastor into a heated kiss as her legs finally turned back to a tail. "Guess we gotta do something about this." Sai-Rin said, waving a hand to Adrian's corpse. "Way ahead of you, Dear." Alastor said, snapping his fingers.

In a few seconds, a portal had opened and dragged Adrian's body into an empty void.

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