Chapter 1: The Beginning Of The End

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(By the way, Sai-Rin's name is pronounced like "Siren")

July 3, 1976


"C'mon, Sai-Rin! It'll be fun!"

Sai-Rin was snapped out of her thoughts by her friend's voice. "I don't know how many times I have to say this, Chloe." she replied, her green eyes narrowed in annoyance. "I'm not going to that stupid beach party!" Chloe pouted, flipping her ginger colored hair over her shoulders. "Well, you're missing out! It's the first day of summer break, and all you want to do is sit in your room with your nose in a book." Sai-Rin huffed, blowing a strand of her blonde bangs out of her face.

"So what if I don't want to go out in the sweltering heat wearing a bathing suit that doesn't look the least bit flattering on me?" she replied, turning back to face the book she was reading. "Besides, I like being inside reading." Chloe smirked, her brown eyes glimmering slyly. "Oh well, too bad." she said, lightly crossing her arms over her chest. "I guess I'll have to tell Adrian you aren't coming!" Sai-Rin froze for a moment.

Adrian had been her crush for years. She thought about this little detail. Finally, she closed her book and stood up. "Ok, I'll go." Chloe smiled. "I knew I could talk you into it!"


"Honey, just be safe, ok? Stay close to the shore, and make sure you have your friends close by at all times. Got it?" Sai-Rin's mother said as she watched her daughter walk out the door with a beach towel slung over her shoulder and wearing a midnight blue T-shirt and denim shorts. Sai-Rin smiled. "Don't worry, Mom. I'll be ok!" And with that, she stepped out into the summer sunshine and began walking down to the beach. It wasn't too far away. Sai-Rin's family had lived in their little beach cottage for as long as Sai-Rin could remember.

Her room had gifted her with a perfect view of the ocean. Sai-Rin would spend many hours just gazing out the window, watching the sunlight shining on the water like crystals. It was an ironically nice life for a girl like her, due to the fact that she would never experience the ocean like others her age. Sai-Rin felt embarrassed that even at 17 years of age, she couldn't swim. It was why she wanted to avoid going to Chloe's beach party in the first place. But maybe she would have a good time without being in the water.

Soon enough, the rocky pavement gave way to powdery white sand. Looking off into the distance, Sai-Rin could see her friends down by the shore. One stood out in particular. Sai-Rin's cheeks grew pleasantly warm as she saw Adrian, a big smile on his freckled face, and his bleach blonde hair blowing in the sea breeze. Sai-Rin stepped out onto the soft sand, and waved at her friends. Chloe and Adrian were there, along with Sai-Rin's other friend, Sophie.

Sophie was practically the fish of the friend group. With her tanned skin, light blue eyes, and long, wavy golden hair, as well as her skill in the water, one might have mistaken her for a mermaid on land. To put it simply, Sai-Rin envied her. "Well, look who decided to show up!" Chloe called out to Sai-Rin as she came closer. Sai-Rin smiled as she was greeted with warm welcomes and hugs. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Sophie asked enthusiastically. 

"Let's get this party going!" Everyone cheered in agreement and rushed off to the cool ocean water to swim, leaving Sai-Rin alone with Adrian. "So, no swimsuit?" Adrian asked. Sai-Rin looked up at Adrian, smiling a bit. "Yeah, never really felt comfortable in one." Adrian chuckled, which was music to Sai-Rin's ears.

"Well, you still look great!" Sai-Rin blushed as she felt Adrian's hand lightly touching hers. "C'mon, you two! The water's great!" Chloe called from a nearby diving rock. Sai-Rin looked at Adrian, trying to hide her nervousness. Adrian smiled comfortingly. "C'mon. We'll go together, Sai-Rin."

Sai-Rin managed a small smile, feeling Adrian's hand close around hers as they walked toward the rock and climbed up. She started having second thoughts as she now gazed down at the dark blue water, feeling the sea spray against her face. Adrian knew she was nervous, and held her hand. "Don't worry, Sai-Rin." he said, his caramel brown eyes gazing into Sai-Rin's emerald green ones. "I'll hold onto you the whole time. Ok?" Sai-Rin felt her cheeks heating up, but nodded anyway.

Sophie and Chloe watched as the two walked toward the edge of the rock. "Ok, jump on the count of three!" Chloe said.

One...Sai-Rin felt her palms getting sweaty.

Two...Her heartbeat quickened until it felt like it would burst from her chest.

Three...Finally, gripping Adrian's hand as tight as she could, Sai-Rin leaped from the rock.

Then, she felt Adrian's hand let go of hers as she fell backwards into the dark ocean.

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