Chapter 15: Funeral For Two

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(Play the song when I say)

"Alastor, what did you look like when you were alive?" Sai-Rin asked one day as she sat curled up in Alastor's lap in front of the fireplace one night. Alastor thought for a moment, then replied, "I suppose I could give you a little look." Wrapping his arms around Sai-Rin, he whispered, "Hold on tight, Darling." A second later, he snapped his fingers, and they were transported to the human world. "W-What happened?" Sai-Rin asked. Alastor chuckled.

"I merely brought us to the living world! Louisiana, to be exact!" Sai-Rin looked around, taking in the sights of the world she once lived in. "So, what now?" Sai-Rin asked, turning to Alastor. Alastor smiled. "Come along now, Dear." he said, carrying her off into a nearby forest. "Now, if I remember correctly..." Alastor said to himself, looking around the dense forest.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Ah..." he said, a hint of sadness in his voice. "Here we are, Darling..." Sai-Rin followed Alastor's gaze to the forest floor, and gasped in shock, feeling sick to her stomach. There he was, human, once brown eyes now dull and staring at nothing, soft brunette hair caked with blood, clothes shredded and stained red, and a bullet wound right between his eyes. "I-Is that..." Sai-Rin whispered in a shaky voice.

Alastor nodded solemnly. "Yes, my Dear..." He said softly. "It's me. Dead before I hit the ground." Letting out a sigh and shaking his head, Alastor knelt down beside his own lifeless body and set Sai-Rin down on the soft grass. Sai-Rin slowly crawled over to Alastor's once lively human form and brushed some of his fluffy hair out of his face. She couldn't stop the tears from falling as she let the fact sink in that this was once her lover.

"I want to do something, Alastor..." Sai-Rin finally said, wiping the tears from her face. Alastor's ears perked up slightly. "What's that, my Love?" he asked. Sai-Rin sighed. "I want to give you a proper funeral, right here." she replied. Alastor chuckled, lightly shaking his head.

"Your kindness never ceases to amaze me, Sai-Rin." Luckily for Sai-Rin, there were plenty of flowers around her, and she wasted no time in weaving them into a flower crown and gently laying it on her human lover's head. She then bundled more flowers into a bouquet, and put them in his hands, which were then folded over his chest. Finally, Sai-Rin rested her hand over his eyes, closing them forever. She couldn't help but cry at how peaceful he now looked. Had it not been for the torn clothes, dried blood, and the bullet hole, one might have thought he was merely asleep.

 Alastor sat down next to Sai-Rin and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, resting his cheek on top of her head. As the rest of her tears left her eyes, Sai-Rin took a deep breath and began to sing(Play the song now). Alastor's eyes suddenly went from red to hot pink, and he felt glued to the spot by her voice. As Sai-Rin finished her song, Alastor's eyes immediately went back to red. "D-Darling..." he whispered, lightly pressing one hand to his heart, and the other to his warm face. Sai-Rin turned to look at Alastor.

"Yes?" she asked. "W-What did you just do to me...?" Alastor breathed, his cheeks flaring up in a red blush. Sai-Rin shrugged. "I guess being a mermaid has perks." she said simply. Alastor smiled, gently lifting Sai-Rin up in his arms. Sai-Rin happily snuggled into his embrace.

"Would you like to go back to the hotel now, my Little Love?" Alastor asked. Sai-Rin was about to reply, but then a thought clouded her mind. "No....Not yet." she said softly. Alastor looked quizzically at her, one of his ears flicking. "Well, where would you like to go?" he asked. Sai-Rin sighed, brushing her bangs out of her face.

"The beach." she replied. Alastor nodded, running swiftly out of the forest, through the city, across time itself, and down to where our story begins. "Ah, it's quite nice here if I do say so myself!" Alastor sighed, closing his eyes and feeling the sea breeze in his hair. Sai-Rin's face was serious. "This place brings back memories, and not good ones." she said with a shudder. Alastor walked along the beach, knowing exactly why Sai-Rin wanted to come here.

"Where did it all end, my Dear?" he asked. Sai-Rin pointed at the familiar diving rock. Alastor nodded, walking over to the rock and climbing up the side. There, he laid Sai-Rin down on the smooth, damp stone. "Will I have to go far, Dear?" Alastor asked, taking his jacket off and starting to undo his bow tie and shirt buttons. Sai-Rin shook her head as she tried her best to hide the blush on her face.

"Y-You don't actually plan on-" "Yes I do, Sai-Rin." Alastor interrupted, finally letting his shirt slip off. "How would we be able to give you a proper burial if there's no body?" Sai-Rin couldn't help but sneak a peek at Alastor. Despite being covered in scars and thin as a tree branch, he was actually pretty good looking. Alastor grinned flirtatiously.

"Like what you see, Darling?~" he asked, seduction in his voice. Sai-Rin's face burned red, and she let out a small squeak. "D-Don't tease!" she mumbled. Alastor laughed softly. "Ok, ok. I'll be back soon, Sai-Rin." Alastor took a deep breath, and gracefully dove off the rock into the ocean.

Sai-Rin was surprised at how he barely even made a splash. After a few moments, Sai-Rin saw Alastor's head break the surface. "I've got you, Dear." he said, shaking the water out of his hair and swimming back to the rock. Sai-Rin frantically crawled to the edge of the rock and threw up at what she saw in Alastor's arms. Her waterlogged, bloated body's once tan skin had turned a sickening grayish blue, what was left of her blonde hair was drenched and clinging to her nearly skeletal face, and her eyes were nothing but dark, empty, water-filled pits. Sai-Rin pressed her face against Alastor's chest, fully aware that he was still shirtless.

Alastor gently hugged Sai-Rin as she cried in his arms. "Shh...It's all right now, my Little Love..." he whispered, gently running his fingers through Sai-Rin's hair. "I....I don't want to look at it..." Sai-Rin mumbled, tearing her eyes away from her own corpse. Alastor lightly patted her head and let go of her to button up his shirt, redo his bow tie, and put his jacket back on. Then, he picked up his dead lover's body, cradling her almost lovingly, and carried her down the rock and onto the soft white sand. A few minutes passed before Sai-Rin saw Alastor again.

"It's done, Sai-Rin." Alastor said, gently lifting Sai-Rin up and taking her back across the beach to a large slab of gray stone sticking out of the sand. Looking closer, Sai-Rin could make out writing scratched into the surface: "In loving memory of Sai-Rin, age 17. Her life was given to the ocean by the ones she called friends. Her last words were, 'Help me'."

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